Select Records for a Resource Management Report
You can select the records included on a report using standard searches, custom searches, and report column filters.
- In the Navigation pane, select .
If the report that displays by default is not the report you want, do either of the following:
- To display a standard report, click
at the far left to select the report type option (Resources or Projects) that you want.
- To display a saved report, click
in the Find saved report field to select another report from the drop-down list.
- To display a standard report, click
- If the default search displayed is not the search you want, click that search name to display the drop-down list. The search options drop-down is located to the right of the report type options drop-down list.
Do one of the following:
- Click a standard search to display the records returned by that search.
If the report is a Projects report, do one of the following:
- Click Active to include all active projects and opportunities to which you have access. (A project or opportunity is considered active if the status of the top-level WBS element is Active.)
- Click All to include all projects and opportunities to which you have access, regardless of status.
- Click Projects I Manage to include all active projects and opportunities for which you are the project manager at any level of the work breakdown structure (WBS). (A project or opportunity is considered active if the status of the top-level WBS element is Active.)
- Click Organization to include all active projects and opportunities that are assigned at any WBS level to the organization to which you are assigned in the Employees hub. (A project or opportunity is considered active if the status of the top-level WBS element is Active.) This option is only available if DPS is configured to use organizations.
- Using organization level 1 as an example, click <organization level 1 name> to select from a list of all active projects and opportunities that are assigned, at any WBS level, to an organization with the same level 1 value as the organization to which you are assigned in the Employees hub. (A project or opportunity is considered active if the status of the top-level WBS element is Active.) The searches for the other organization levels work in the same way. This option is only available if DPS is configured for a fixed organization structure.
If the report is a Resources report, click do one of the following:
- Click All Resources to include all active employees and generic resources.
- Click All Employees to include all active employees but exclude generic resources
- Click Generic Resources to include active generic resources but not employees.
- Click Employees I Supervise to include only active employees to whom you are linked as their supervisor.
- Click Resources in My Organization to include only active employees and generic resources who are assigned to the same organization as you are.
- Click a previously saved custom search to display the records returned by that search.
- Click a standard search to display the records returned by that search.
If none of available standard searches reports or the available custom searches is adequate, click
Custom to create a new custom search.
Use the fields on the Custom Search dialog box to enter search values to further restrict the list of records that the search returns.
DPS provides a default set of fields on this dialog box. However, if you need to select records for the report based on values in other fields, you can click + Add Field at the bottom of the dialog box to add a field to the dialog box. You can also delete fields from the dialog box that you never expect to use. To delete a field, hover over the field and click
to the right of the field name. (If
does not appear when you hover over a field, that field cannot be deleted.)
If you enter search parameters and then decide you want to clear all of them and start over, click x Clear All at the bottom of the dialog box.
- Do one of the following:
- To save the search so you can reuse it in the future, and then perform the search, click Save.
- To perform the search without saving it, click Apply.
The Custom Search dialog box closes, and the report displays the selected records.
Use the fields on the Custom Search dialog box to enter search values to further restrict the list of records that the search returns.
To apply additional filters based on values in columns displayed on the report, do the following:
in the upper-right corner of the report.
- In the fields that display below the column headings, specify filter operators and values for one or more of the report columns.
To hide the filter fields, click
again. The filters are still active when the fields are hidden, and
displays next to each column heading area as a reminder that the report is filtered based on those columns.
You can only use column filters for columns that you have selected to display on the report.
Column filters are applied to the records currently selected by the standard or custom search you have applied. In other words, only records that satisfy both the search criteria and the column filters display on the report. If you specify column filters and then select a different saved report, the column filters for the newly selected report, if any, are applied.
If you apply filters and then want to clear them, click Clear Filters in the upper-right corner of the form.