AR Comments General Tab

Use the General tab of the AR Comments Options dialog box to select report options for the AR Comments report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.
Time Frame If you want to see comments for a range of dates, specify the start and end dates.
Client If you want to see comments for selected clients, select one or more clients on the client lookup.
Client Info to Display

If you select None, no additional client information is added to the report.

If you select an option other than None, the effect of that option depends on your selections on the Sorting/Grouping tab.
If you sort and group by... Option The report displays this information:
Billing Client Number or Billing Client Name Number and Name No additional client information
Contact and Telephone All contacts associated with each billing client
Full Address Each billing client's billing address and all of the client's contacts
Client Number or Client Name Number and Name No additional client information
Contact and Telephone All contacts associated with each primary client
Full Address Each primary client's billing address and all of the client's contacts
Project Number or Project Name Number and Name Each project's billing client number and name
Contact and Telephone Each project's billing contact
Full Address The billing address for each project's billing client and the project's billing contact

Username If you want to see comments entered by a particular user, select that person's user ID.
Credit Memos Included Select Yes or No to specify whether or not to include credit memos on the AR Comments report.