Team Tab of the Projects Form

Use the Team tab to organize information about the team members and firms who work on a project.


The WBS level that you are viewing does not affect the layout of fields, but it can change the information displayed in certain fields. For example, on the Summary pane, the project number is the same regardless of the level that you are viewing, but contract start and end dates can be different at the project, phase, and task levels.

If you navigate to a different WBS level using the Project Structure dialog box, the data refreshes to reflect the database values for the selected level. When a field contains the same data at each level, you can edit that field only at the project level. For those fields that contain different data at each level, you can also edit the fields at the phase and task levels, if you have the proper security rights at the project level.

  • Vendors and employees can be assigned at any level of the WBS, but you can only assign clients and contacts at WBS1.
  • If you assign a vendor or employee at lower WBS levels, DPS automatically assigns that vendor to any higher levels.
  • If you delete a vendor or an employee at a lower level, DPS does not delete that vendor or employee from a higher level. You must manually remove the vendor or employee.
  • If you add a new phase or task, DPS automatically assigns existing firms and employees on the team to the new phase or task.
  • When you select a Project Manager, Principal, or Supervisor on the Overview tab, that employee is also added to the team with the corresponding role.
  • You can change the role of a Project Manager, Principal, or Supervisor on the Team tab, or remove the employee from the Team tab, without affecting their role on the Overview tab.

Firms Grid

The Firms grid displays information for each client or vendor firm associated with the project, by default the same information as shown in the Firms Hub. The grid by default is sorted by firm name.

To copy or delete a firm, click , and select the desired option.

Field Description
Name This field displays the firm's name. You can create a new firm if the firm you are looking up does not exist.

Select the appropriate firm type. For example, a firm could be a client for one project and a vendor for another project.

Role Click this field and use the drop-down list to select the firm's role on the project.

The Client and Vendor Role code tables define the available role options. Contact your system administrator for information about adding roles to these tables.

Role Description This field displays a memo that provides more detail into this firm's role on the project. Use the text editor to enter and format the memo.
Location Click this field and use the drop-down list to select the address description for the firm.
Phone This field displays the work phone number for the selected location.
Cost Amount This field displays the total amount paid to each vendor working on this project team and is blank for rows that are not vendors or employees. This field is present only if you own the Resource Planning or Accounting applications. The total cost for all vendors appears after the last row in the grid.

Team Members Grid

The Team Members grid displays the information for each employee and contact on the team, by default the same information as shown for the team member on the Employees Hub or the Contacts Hub. A team member must exist in either the Employees Hub or Contacts Hub before you can associate that team member with a project. If a team member has multiple roles, there is a separate row in the grid for each role.

To copy or delete a firm, click , and select the desired option.

When you copy a row, DPS copies the Role, Role Description, Start Date, End Date, and Hours, if Hours is an editable field (time or accounting are not owned).

Field Description
Name This field displays the team member's preferred name if one exists, otherwise it displays the first name. You can lookup contacts and employees using the same control. The lookup provides the ability to create a new contact. The lookup is limited to active qualified contacts (not leads). The grid is by default sorted by the contact full name. A contact or employee can be in the grid twice with different roles.

For employees, this field is read only and displays the employee's associated type and shows the employee card icon. For Contacts, this field displays the same type as their firm in the Firms grid.

Role Click this field and use the drop-down list to select the team member's role on the project. You can assign the same role to multiple team members.
Role Description This field displays a memo that provides more detail into this team member's role on the project. Use the text editor to enter and format the memo.
Firm This field displays this contact's firm and is read only.
Phone This field displays this contact's business phone or the employee's work phone and is read only.
Hours This field displays the number of hours the employee worked, and is blank for contacts. This field is read-only if the Accounting application or the Time and Expense Resource Planning application is enabled and is calculated from time sheets (job to date). In this case, you can click the field to run the Labor Detail report if you have permission. If you do not own the Accounting application, this field is an editable number field with no decimals.
Start Date Select the date the team member started working on the project in the associated role. Because team members can have one or more assigned roles on the same project, there can be different start dates for each role.
End Date Select the date the team member finished working on the project in the associated role. Because team members can have one or more assigned roles on the same project, there can be different end dates for each role.
Ajera Sync This check box shows you are working on a database that has integration set up between DPS and Deltek Ajera. Select this check box and DPS synchronizes the contact with Ajera.
You can select up to five contacts to be synchronized with Ajera.