General Tab of the Request for Price Quote Line Detail Dialog Box

Use the General tab to enter or edit data that identifies the item that is selected on the General tab of the Request for Price Quote form.

If you enter an item that is not in the Items list and Automatic Add/Items is selected on the General tab of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings, DPS displays a notice that tells you the item was not found and then asks if you want to add the item to the list.

This procedure is informally known as adding an item "on-the-fly." You add the item on the dialog box and it is not necessary to navigate to Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master. If you click Yes, the New Item dialog box displays.


Field Description
Item This field displays the item number of the item that is selected on the General tab of the Request for Price Quote form.
Status This field displays the item's order status.
P. O. # This field identifies the purchase order to which the item was transferred.
Description This field displays the item's description.
Category This field displays the item's category if you selected the item from the Items lookup. You can edit this data if the Modify Default Item Category option is selected on the General tab of of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form.
Quantity This field displays the item's quantity.
U/M This field displays the item's unit of measure.
Due Date This field displays the item's due date. You can specify a different date.
Inventory Item This check box displays if the Inventory feature is enabled. The check box is selected if the Item is an inventory item.
Blanket or Service Order Period From If the request for price quote is related to a blanket or service purchase order agreement, this field displays the start date that is specified in the agreement.
Blanket or Service Order Period To If the request for price quote is related to a blanket or service purchase order agreement, this field displays the end date that is specified in the agreement.