Modify Column Headings

Use Line Heading 1 and Line Heading 2 in the grid on the Columns tab of the Options dialog to modify the heading text for a column.

When you generate the report, the text in Line Heading 1 is the first heading line for the column, and the text in Line Heading 2 displays immediately below the text in Line Heading 1.

To modify column headings:

  1. Click the Columns tab on the Options dialog box.
  2. Locate the column in the list, and enter the heading text you want in Line Heading 1 and Line Heading 2. If the column heading only has one line, enter the text in Line Heading 2.
  3. If you enter a heading that exceeds the column width, change the width in the Width column.
  4. After you set all report options, click Apply.