General Tab of Billing Terms

Use the General tab to enter address information, internal notes, and other general billing term information for this project.

If you have set up default billing terms in Configuration > Billing > Default Terms, those settings prefill in the fields on this tab when you set up billing terms for the first time for a project. You can change prefilled settings as needed.


Field Description
Project DPS displays the project number for the project open in the Billing Terms form.

For projects that have a defined multi-level WBS, an icon similar to the following displays next to the project number and name at the top of the form. Click the icon to view the WBS tree structure.

Phase DPS displays the phase number for the phase open in the Billing Terms form. This field displays only when you open a project's phase in the Billing Terms form. To open a phase, phases must exist for the project, and sub-level terms must be enabled for the project.
Task DPS displays the task number for the task open in the Billing Terms form. This field displays only when you open a project's task in the Billing Terms form. To open a task, tasks must exist for the project, and sub-level terms must be enabled for the task's phase.
Billing Client The Billing Client is the client, from the Client hub, who will receive invoices. You can enter a client name directly in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select a client from your database, or select a client using the Client Lookup.

To edit the client name, right-click the name and click Edit. This temporarily disables the hyperlink feature, allowing you to edit the information in this field.

By default, the address specified on the Accounting tab of the Project hub populates the Billing Address field. To change this default, select another address from the Billing Address field. If you change the client here, the Billing Client is also changed on the Accounting tab of the Project hub.

Billing Contact The Billing Contact is the personal billing contact at the client company selected in the Billing Client field.

You can enter a contact name directly in this field or use the Search feature to select a contact from your database. The Contact Lookup lists only contacts for the client entered in the Billing Client field.

To edit the contact name, right-click the name and click Edit. This temporarily disables the hyperlink feature, allowing you to edit the information in this field.

If you change the client here, the Billing Client is also changed on the Accounting tab of the Project hub.

Billing Address When you enter a client name in the Billing Client field, DPS automatically enters the billing address associated with that client record in this field. However, you can enter a different billing address in this field, if necessary. This address displays on invoices.

The actual address does not display in this field. When you enter a client address in the Client hub, you must also enter a description for the address and you must designate one address as the billing address. It is the description for the billing address that displays in this field.

To select a different address, click Search to select another address. The Address Lookup only lists addresses for the client entered in the Billing Client field.

Billing Currency This field displays only if Deltek is set up to use multiple currencies. It displays the currency used by your company to generate invoices and billing reports for the current project. You establish the billing currency for each project on the Accounting tab of the Project hub.

The currency you select on other tabs of the Billing Terms form must match the currency displayed here.

Address 1-4 This field displays the billing address as determined by the selection in the Billing Address field. You cannot modify the address here. You must modify the address in the Client hub.
City You cannot modify the city here; you must do so in the Client hub.
State/Province You cannot modify the state here; you must do so in the Client hub.
Zip /Postcode You cannot modify the ZIP code here; you must do so in the Client hub.
Country You cannot modify the country here; you must do so in the Client hub.
Notes Enter internal notes for project billing; for example, "Backup needed for invoice use." These notes are helpful if someone is creating an invoice for the project other than the person who usually processes bills for the project.

You may want to enter the following type of information in this field:

  • The backup that accompanies the invoice.
  • The billable/non-billable expenses.
  • The reports the project manager likes to receive with draft invoices.
  • The frequency in which invoices are sent out (for example, bi-monthly, monthly).

Notes are for internal reference only and do not display on the invoice. The notes do display in the Notes field on the General tab of the Interactive Billing form.

Description Enter additional information to describe the billing terms, such as a purchase order reference. If you enter a description here, it displays in the header section of the invoice below the project number and project name.

To format description text, click Edit to open the text editor.

Most formatting that you add with the text editor, including the table format, does not display on invoices that you print from DPS. However, the formatting does display when you preview or download the invoices. This is due to limitations in Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.

By default, a default invoice template will be shown with HTML formatting in this field.

Invoice Template From the drop-down list, select the invoice template to use when an invoice is created for the project. The list can include default templates provided by Deltek and custom templates that you create with the Invoice Template Editor.

If your firm sets up Record Level View access for invoice templates, you may be limited to only those templates selected by your DPS administrator. Record Level View settings are on the Record Access tab in Settings > Security > Roles.

Credit Template From the drop-down list, select the credit template to use when credit memos are created in Interactive Billing for an invoice for the project.

The drop-down list in the Credit Template field includes the Deltek-provided Default template and any custom invoice templates that are created using the Invoice Template Editor. These are the same templates that are included in the Invoice Template drop-down list. When you use the Default template for credit memos, the credit memo displays a Credit Memo box at the top, instead of an Invoice Box.

If your firm sets up Record Level View access for invoice templates, these settings also apply to the credit template. This affects whether or not you can select templates in this field. The Record Level View settings are on the Record Access tab in Settings > Security > Roles.