Items Master Form

Use the Items Master form to set up purchasing and inventory items for use in the Purchasing and Inventory applications.

Basic Steps

The setup steps for items vary, depending on the type:
  • To set up purchasing items, you enter information on the General and Vendors tabs of the Items Master form. You add the purchasing items that you establish in Item Master Settings as line items on purchase orders that you enter in the Purchasing application. You also use purchasing items from Item Master Settings to create equipment records directly in the Equipment hub (without creating a purchase order for them).
  • To set up inventory items, you enter information on the General and Vendors tabs of the Items Master form. You then specify that the item is an inventory item on the Inventory tab.

Item Categories

Before you set up purchasing and inventory items in Item Master Configuration, you must set up item categories for the purchase and inventory items and specify a type for each item category in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > System.

Then, in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company, you specify the item categories and their general ledger accounts for your company (or multiple companies, if you have more than one company).