Invoice Transaction Detail Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.


Field Description
Transaction Date This column displays the date on which the transaction was posted.
Labor Code/Account

This column displays the following, based on the type of transaction:

  • Labor transaction (labor codes used): Labor code
  • Labor transaction (labor codes not used): GL account
  • Unit transaction: Unit number
  • Consultant: GL account
  • Expense: GL account

This column displays the following, based on the type of transaction:

  • Labor: Employee number
  • Employee expense: EX + reference number
  • Accounts payable expense: AP + reference number
  • Unit: UN + reference number
  • Expense from other sources: <other source code> + reference number

This column displays the following, based on the type of transaction:

  • Labor: Employee name
  • Employee expense: Employee last name, first name
  • Accounts payable expense: Invoice number, invoice date, and vendor name
  • Unit: Unit name, description, number of units, unit amount

For labor, this column displays the total number of hours (sum of regular, overtime, and secondary overtime hours).

For units, this column displays the number of units.

Cost Amount This column displays the cost amount for the transaction. For labor, this is the cost amount for all labor hours (sum of the cost of regular, overtime, and secondary overtime hours).
Billing Amount This column displays the billing value (billing extension) for the transaction.
Billing Status

This column displays the billing status of the transaction:

  • F: Final billed. The transaction has been billed to the client.
  • D: Deleted. The transaction was marked for deletion, included in a billing run, and deleted. (Bill status stored as O in the database.)
  • W: Written off. The transaction has been written off, and the invoice has been posted. (Bill status stored as X in the database)
  • N: Not billable. The transaction is not billable. (Bill status stored as F in the database, along with Y in the NonBill field to differentiate these transactions from those with F that were actually billed to the client.)
Realization Amount

This is the realization amount that is related to employees' time or employee-specific units.

This column displays only if you select the Reporting Realization by Employee option on the Reporting tab of Accounting System Settings (Settings > Advanced Accounting > System).

If you selected the Invoice frequency for the Employee Realization Reporting feature (realization is allocated in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing), the realization amount on this report should match an invoice's billed amount that is posted to the allocation accounts that you specify for employee realization.

If you selected the Period frequency for the Employee Realization Reporting feature (realization is allocated in Employee Realization), the realization amount on this report may not match an invoice's billed amount that is posted to the allocation accounts that you specify for employee realization.

Employees' time records that were posted before the Employee Realization Reporting feature was turned on have a 0 realization amount associated with them. These records are assigned a realization amount when you allocate realization in Interactive Billing, Batch Billing, or Employee Realization.

If you use multiple currencies, you can display the realization amount in either the project or billing currency, based on which you select in the Report in field on the Options tab for the Invoice Transaction Detail report. When you select the Project’s Functional Currency in the Report in field, no realization amount displays on the report.

Project This column displays the number of the project to which the transaction was charged.
Phase This column displays the number of the phase to which the transaction was charged.
Task This column displays the number of the task to which the transaction was charged.