Contents of the Column Settings and Selections Dialog Box for Project Planning Grids

Use the fields and options to select columns to display in the planning grids on the Projects form and to select other options for the grids.

The set of columns from which you can choose for each grid is determined by selections your system administrator makes on the Grids tab of the Resource Planning Settings form.


Field Description
Sort Resources By Select a sorting option for resources within the work breakdown structure (WBS) groups in the grid:
  • Name: Select this option to sort resources by name: employee or generic resource name on the Labor tab, expense type name on the Expenses tab, and consultant name on the Consultants tab. On the Labor tab, if the resources include both employees and generic resources, employees are displayed first, followed by the generic resources.
  • Assignment Start: Select this option to sort resources by assignment start date. If multiple resources have the same assignment start date, they are also sorted by name, as described above for the Name option.

This field is not available if you are selecting columns for the grid on the Contract tab.

Show Project Numbers To display the WBS element numbers in the grid along with the element names, select this check box.
Select Columns For Select Cost View or Billing View to indicate which view you want to select columns for. If you want to select columns for both views, select them for one view, change the option in Select Columns For, and select them for the other view. When you click Apply, the columns for both views are updated.

If a plan is set up in the Plan Settings dialog box to support planning for both cost and billing, you can view planned amounts in the grid at cost or at billing. When you switch between those two views, DPS also displays the corresponding set of columns. If a plan is only set up for cost or only for billing, just that set of columns is used in the grid.

This field is not available if you are selecting columns for the grid on the Contract tab.

Available Columns This list contains all of the columns that you can include in the grid but are not currently selected for display. To add a column to the grid, click the column in this list and click to move the column to the Selected Columns list.

The organization, project manager, and status columns are available for selection from all the tabs (Contracts, Labor, Expenses, and Consultants) on the project planning grid.

Selected Columns

This list contains all of the columns that are selected to display in the grid, in the order they appear in the grid from left to right.

To change the column order, hover over the row for a column that you want to move, and click-and-drag to move the column.

To remove a column from the grid, click the column in this list and click to move the column to the Available Columns list.

If you select a column for the grid on the Labor tab and you want that column to remain visible when you click Show less, select this check box for that column to "pin" it.

If you click Show less at the top of the Level/Resource column to hide the columns in the middle section of the grid, all unpinned columns are hidden, but pinned columns continue to display.

This check box is not available if you are selecting columns for the grid on the Contract, Expenses, or Consultants tab.

The order of the columns from top to bottom in the Selected Columns list is the order they appear, from left to right, in the planning grid. To change that order, hover over the row for a column that you want to move, and click-and-drag to move the column.
+ Restore Defaults If you change the settings or columns for the grid and then want to restore the default settings and columns, click + Restore Defaults. The organization, project manager, and status columns are not included as default columns.

If you are selecting columns for the Labor tab, Expenses tab, or Consultants tab on the Projects form, this action only restores the default columns for the view currently selected in the Select Columns For field. To restore the default columns for the other view, select that view in Select Columns For and click + Restore Defaults again.

Apply After you select the settings and columns that you want, click Apply to close the dialog box and update the grid.