General Tab of Invoice Template Editor

Use the General tab to select among many formatting options for invoice templates.

Some fields on this tab also display on the General tab of the Billing Settings form (Settings > Billing > General). Values that you specify here override values on the Billing Settings form.


Enter margin values in inches or millimeters, depending on which value you chose in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab. For example, if you use inches and your page has a top margin of 1 inch and you keep the default value of 1.46 in the Firm Block Top Margin field, the firm block prints 2.46 inches from the top of the page.



Field Description
Template Name Enter the name for this invoice template.

Firm Block

This is the block of information that displays at the top of the invoice to identify your enterprise. The enterprise name, byline, and address at the top of the invoice come from the General tab of Settings > General.

Field Description
Print Firm Name Select this option to print the name of your enterprise on invoices. Do not select this option if your invoices print on stationery that already includes the name.
Print Firm Byline Select this option to print a byline below your enterprise name on the first page of the invoice. A byline is additional descriptive text, such as "Product Branding Specialists."
Print Firm Address Select this option to print the address of your enterprise on the first page of your invoices.
Left Margin Enter a value to determine the amount of space between the page's left margin and the left edge of the firm block.

If you use the default invoice report file, DPS displays a warning message if the left margin that you enter will cause the firm block to extend beyond the right margin of the page. If you use a custom invoice report (.RDL) file for a template, DPS is not able to provide this warning because it cannot determine the default width for the block.

Top Margin Enter a value to determine the amount of space between the page's top margin and the top edge of the firm block.
Alignment Select Left, Center, or Right to determine the alignment of the firm block information. If you select Center, the firm block information is centered between the left and right margins specified in the Left Margin and Top Margin fields.
Print Tax Registration Number This check box displays only if you selected the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box on the Tax Auditing tab in Settings > Accounting > Company.

Select this check box to print your tax registration number on the invoice. The tax registration number is entered on the Tax Auditing tab in Settings > Accounting > Company.

If you have multiple companies, the Print Tax Registration Number check box and Label field display for all companies when you turn on the Tax Auditing feature for at least one of your companies. However, for companies that do not have Tax Auditing turned on, the label and tax registration number do not display on invoices.

Label This is the label that precedes your firm's tax registration number on an invoice.

The Label field prefills with Tax Registration Number:, which you can change or make blank.

This field is enabled only when you select the Print Tax Registration Number check box.

Invoice Block

This is the block of information that displays in the upper right corner of the first page of the invoice, including the date, project number, and invoice number.

Field Description
Print Project Number Select this option to print the project number on the invoice. It prints on the upper left, between the date and the invoice number. If you select this option, when you preview the invoice, you can click the project number to view a CRM Project Summary drill-down report.
Print Invoice Number Select this option to print the invoice number on the invoice.
Label This is the label that precedes the invoice number on an invoice. The Label field prefills with Invoice No:, which you can change or make blank.
This field is enabled only when you select the Print Invoice Number check box.
Show Invoice Leading Zeros Select this option to show leading zeroes in front of the invoice number on the invoice.
Combine Project and Invoice Select this option to print the invoice and project number together. For example, assume that you print an invoice for project 92005.00 and the next invoice number is 0000222. DPS prints 92005.00-0000222.
Left Margin Enter a value to determine the amount of space between the page's left margin and the left edge of the invoice block.

Make sure to enter a value that does not cause the invoice block to overlap with other blocks.

If you use the default invoice report file, DPS displays a warning message if the left margin that you enter will cause the invoice block to extend beyond the right margin of the page. If you use a custom invoice report (.RDL) file for a template, DPS is not able to provide this warning because it cannot determine the default width for the block.

Top Margin Enter a value to determine the amount of space between the page's top margin and the top of the invoice block.

Make sure to enter a value that does not cause the invoice block to overlap with other blocks.

Check Boxes

Field Description
Show Invoice Box Select this option to display the word Invoice bordered with a box at the top left of the invoice. Clear this option if you do not want to display anything in the upper left of the invoice, or if you want to display your logo there.
Print Project Name Select this option to display the project number and project name in a line below the client address information.
Print Project Long Name Select this option to display the text entered in the Long Name field on the General tab of the Projects hub on the invoice. The long name displays below the project name and the number.
Print Total Now Due Select this option to display the Total Now Due amount after the Outstanding Invoices section of the invoice. This amount represents the amount currently outstanding from prior invoices plus the Total this Invoice amount from the current invoice.

If you do not have the Print Project AR option selected on the General tab of the project’s Billing Terms form, this amount will not appear on the invoice.

If you are displaying outstanding accounts receivable by phase or by task, the total now due will be listed for each phase or task and not for the total invoice. If you are displaying outstanding accounts receivable by project, the total now due will be listed for the entire invoice.

Custom Report Name This field defaults to the default report used by DPS, called Invoice. In most cases, you will keep this default when creating new templates.

If you have created custom reports for invoices, and you want to modify report formats through the Invoice Template Editor, enter the name of the report in this field.

Client Address Block

This is the block of information that displays in the upper left corner of the first page of the invoice, including the client's name and address.

Field Description
Left Margin Enter a value to determine the amount of space between the page's left margin and the left edge of the client address block.

Make sure to enter a value that does not cause the client address block to overlap with other blocks.

If you use the default invoice report file, DPS displays a warning message if the left margin that you enter will cause the client address block to extend beyond the right margin of the page. If you use a custom invoice report (.RDL) file for a template, DPS is not able to provide this warning because it cannot determine the default width for the block.

Top Margin Enter the amount of space between the page's top margin and the top of the invoice block.

Make sure to enter a value that does not cause the client address block to overlap with other blocks.

Print Tax Registration Number This check box displays only if you selected the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box on the Tax Auditing tab in Settings > Accounting > Company.

Select this check box to print the client's tax registration number on the invoice. The client's tax registration number is entered on the General tab in the Firms hub.

If you have multiple companies, the Print Tax Registration Number check box and Label field display for all companies when you turn on the Tax Auditing feature for at least one of your companies. However, for companies that do not have Tax Auditing turned on, the label and tax registration number do not display on invoices.

Label This is the label that precedes the client's tax registration number on an invoice.

The Label field prefills with Tax Registration Number:, which you can change or make blank.

This field is enabled only when you select the Print Tax Registration Number check box.

Page Section

Field Description
Print Footer Line Select this check box to print a horizontal line above the footer on all pages.
Print Page Numbers Select this check box to print the page number, starting on page 2, in the bottom right hand corner of the page.
Hide 2nd Page Header Select this option to display header information only on the first page of the invoice; the header does not display on the second or subsequent pages of the invoice.

Access Section

Use these lookup fields to associate an organization, principal, project manager, supervisor, or invoice template editor code with the current invoice template. The lookup fields can be used to apply record level security for invoice templates, as well as to make it easier to find a specific invoice template. Only users with record access rights to an invoice template will be able to use the template in Billing Terms.

You can limit the templates available to a particular user using the following lookup criteria:
  • Organization: Select an organization from the lookup. If you do not have Organizations enabled, this field does not display.
  • Principal: Select a principal from the employee lookup.
  • Project Manager: Select a project manager from the employee lookup.
  • Supervisor: Select a supervisor from the employee lookup.
  • Code: Select a code from the drop–down list, as defined in the Invoice Template Table Code Settings on the Lists tab in (Settings > Labels and Lists > Code Tables).