Contacts Import Notes

When you import contact information, the import process adds a new contact record in DPS for each contact in the .CSV file who does not already exist in DPS.

You can import any standard or custom data that you enter on any tabs in the Contacts hub, with the exception of fields in grids.

Import Availability

This import is available if your enterprise has activated at least one of the following:
  • Accounting
  • CRM
  • CRM Plus

Required Fields

To create or update a contact record, you must import a value for the Last Name field in DPS.

Record Validation

To determine if a contact in the import file already exists in DPS, the import process checks for an existing contact with at least one of the following:
  • Same first name and last name, and same firm
  • Same preferred name and last name, and same firm
  • Same email address

If it finds no match, the import process creates a new contact. If it finds a match and you selected the Update duplicate records option, it updates the existing record based on the data in the import file record.

Contact Firm

If you specify a firm number or name for a contact in the .CSV file, the import process attempts to determine if the firm already exists in DPS:

If Lead Qualification Is Not Enabled

If the CRM Plus module is not activated, or if that module is activated but lead qualification is not enabled, one of the following occurs for each contact in the import file:
  • If your import file includes a valid DPS firm number for a contact, the contact is automatically associated with that firm.
  • If the firm number included for a contact in the import file does not yet exist in DPS and you also included a firm name for the contact, the import process creates a new firm record using the imported number and name, and associates the contact with that firm.
  • If the firm number included for a contact in the import file does not yet exist in DPS and you did not include a firm name for the contact, the contact is imported without an associated firm.
  • If no firm number is included for a contact in the import file but a firm name is included, the import process searches for an existing firm with a name or alias that exactly matches that name. If one is found, it associates the contact with that firm. (If multiple firms with matching names exist, the contact is associated with the first such firm that is found.) If one or more firm names in the import file do not match existing firms, the import process displays a list of those firm names so you can select the ones for which you want new firm records added.
  • If no firm number is included for a contact in the import file and you did not include a firm name for the contact, the contact is imported without an associated firm.

If Lead Qualification Is Enabled and the Contact Is Qualified

If lead qualification is enabled, the import process handles firms for qualified contacts exactly as described above.

Note that DPS considers a contact qualified if either the import field that is mapped to the Qualified Status field contains Qualified or if no value is imported for the Qualified Status field.

If Lead Qualification Is Enabled and the Contact Is a New Lead

If lead qualification is enabled, one of the following occurs for each contact in the import file for which the import field that is mapped to the Qualified Status field contains New Lead:
  • If your import file includes a firm number for a contact, you receive an error message indicating that the contact cannot be associated with the firm because the contact has not been qualified. If that occurs, the contact is not imported.
  • If no firm number is included for a contact in the import file, the contact is imported without an associated firm.

If Lead Qualification Is Enabled and the Contact Is Disqualified

If lead qualification is enabled, one of the following occurs for each contact in the import file for which the import field that is mapped to the Qualified Status field contains Disqualified:
  • If your import file includes a valid DPS firm number for a contact, the contact is automatically associated with that firm.
  • If the firm number included for a contact in the import file does not yet exist in DPS and you also included a firm name for the contact, the import process creates a new firm record using the imported number and name, and associates the contact with that firm.
  • If the firm number included for a contact in the import file does not yet exist in DPS and you did not include a firm name for the contact, the contact is imported without an associated firm.
  • If no firm number is included for the contact in the import file, the contact is imported without an associated firm.