General Tab of the Equipment Form

Use this tab to enter or view the information that identifies an asset item or equipment item.

When asset items or equipment items are generated automatically from line items on purchase orders, change orders, release orders for blanket purchase orders, or AP vouchers, many of the fields on the General tab prefill from the entries that were made for the line items in those applications.

Equipment Section

Field Description
Equipment Number The equipment number identifies the asset item or equipment item that you are tracking.

If You Use Automatic Numbering for Equipment Items

The Equipment Number field prefills with [AUTONUMBER] when you create a new asset item or equipment item. When you save a new item, the next auto-assigned number prefills in the Equipment Number field. You can change the number only if the Allow Override of Auto Number option is selected for the Equipment system label on the Numbering tab in Settings > General > General System . You can enter duplicate equipment numbers.

You set up automatic numbering for the Equipment hub on the Numbering tab in Settings > General > General System .

When you use automatic numbering for items in the Equipment hub, the automatic numbers are also assigned for asset items and equipment items that are automatically generated from purchasing records and accounts payable vouchers.

If You Do Not Use Automatic Numbering for Equipment Items

Enter a number for the new asset items or equipment items that you are creating. A number is not required. You can enter duplicate equipment numbers.

Item Number For asset and equipment items that were generated automatically from purchase order, change order, or release order line items, this field prefills with the purchasing item number that is associated with the line item on the purchase, change, or release order. You cannot change the prefilled entry.

For asset items that were generated automatically from AP vouchers in Transaction Entry, this field prefills with the number of the purchasing item that was entered for the AP voucher line item in the Item Number field in Transaction Entry. You cannot change the prefilled entry.

Purchasing items on which you base purchase order items, AP voucher items, asset items, and equipment items are set up in Items Master Settings in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master. You can use only the purchasing items with an item category type of Equipment or Capital Items for creating equipment or asset items.

If you are manually entering a new asset or equipment item on the Equipment form, click in the Item Number field, and on the Items lookup select an existing purchasing item on which to base the asset or equipment item. These are the purchasing items from Items Master Settings.

When you enter a new asset or equipment item in the Equipment hub, if needed, you can base the asset or equipment on a new purchasing item that has not yet been added in Items Master Settings (the purchasing item is not in the drop-down list in the Item Number field). You can add a new purchasing item "on the fly" from the Equipment hub. This saves you from having to leave the Equipment hub to enter a new purchasing item in Items Master Settings and then return to the Equipment hub to enter the new asset or equipment item. In the Item Number field, enter a new purchasing item (that is not displayed in the drop-down list in the field). On the dialog box that tells you that the item was not found and asks if you would like to add it, click Yes. On the Items Master dialog box, enter information for the new purchasing item. When you click Save on the dialog box, the new purchasing item is saved in Items Master Settings. You are returned to the Equipment form and now see the new purchasing item prefilled in the Item Number field for the new asset or equipment item.

Category This field displays the category for the purchasing item that is entered in the Item Number field.

You set up purchasing items and their categories in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master.

Type This field displays the type of the category for the purchasing item that is entered in the Item Number field. The Type field displays Capital Items or Equipment, which are the only types that can be used for asset items and equipment items. If you use the Asset Management application but not the Purchasing application, only the Capital Items type displays in this field.

You set up system-wide item categories and specify a type for them on the Item Categories tab of the Purchasing & Inventory System Settings form in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > System. You specify item categories for a company on the Item Categories tab of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company.

Company After you enter a project number in the Number field in the Project section on this tab, the Company field prefills with the project's company (the company in which you created the project).
Description This field prefills with the description of the purchasing item that is entered in the Item Number field, which is what the equipment item is based on. This is the description that is entered for a purchasing item in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master. Change the description to be more specific for the equipment item.
Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer of the asset or equipment item or select the manufacturer for the equipment item from the drop-down list, which contains the following:
  • The manufacturer that is entered for the purchasing item that you entered in the Item Number field in this section. The manufacturer is entered in the Manufacturer field on the General tab in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master for a purchasing item.
  • All the manufacturers previously entered for asset and equipment items that were created from the specific purchasing item that you entered for this asset or equipment item (in the Item Number field).
Model Number If applicable, enter a model number for the asset item or equipment item.
Serial Number If applicable, enter a serial number for the asset item or equipment item.
National Stock Number This field prefills with the stock number for the asset item or equipment item, based on the item number that is entered in the Item Number field. You enter the stock number on the General tab of the Items Master form for an item in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master.

Project Section

Field Description
Fields in this section This section contains the following fields for the project, phase, and task (WBS 1, WBS2, and WBS3) that are associated with an asset item or equipment item.
  • Number
  • Phase Number
  • Task Number

For asset items or equipment items that were generated automatically from purchase order, change order, or release order line items:

These fields prefill with the numbers of the project, phase, and task that were entered on the Default Distribution tab for the purchase order in the Purchasing application.

For asset items that were generated automatically from AP vouchers in Transaction Entry:

For asset items that were generated automatically from accounts payable vouchers in Transaction Entry:

  • These fields prefill with the numbers of the project, phase, and task that were entered for the AP voucher line item in Transaction Entry.
  • If you do not use organizations in DPS or you use organizations and you do not maintain separate balance sheets, these fields prefill with the default project, phase, and task numbers that are entered in the Default Overhead Project section of the General tab in Settings > Accounting > Asset Management.

If you are manually entering a new asset item or equipment item:

  • Click in these fields, and select a project, phase, or task for the item. For asset items, you must select an overhead project. After you make the selections, the names of the project, phase, and task display beside each of the fields.
  • If you entered an asset item (the item number's type in the Type field on this tab is Capital Items), you must add a project before you can enter information on the GL Cost and GL Book tabs.

Changing an asset item's project

You must use transfer processing in Asset Management > Transfer/Split Processing to change a project for asset items that were created from accounts payable vouchers, purchase orders, change orders, and release orders, and for asset items that were created directly in the Equipment hub that have already had depreciation processed for them. If an asset item created directly in the Equipment hub has not had depreciation processed for it, you can change its project directly on the General tab in the Equipment hub.


Field Description
Extra Notes For asset items or equipment items that were generated automatically from purchase order, change order, or release order line items, this text box prefills from the text from the Extra Notes text box for the line item in Purchasing. To access this text box on the purchase, change, or release order, click the Line Items tab, and select the line item in the grid. Click View Detail on the grid toolbar. On the Purchase Order Line Detail dialog box, click the Notes tab.

If you are manually entering a new asset item or equipment item, enter any additional comments or requests for this equipment item in the text box.

The text in this text box prints on both reports and forms.

Line Item Internal Notes For asset items or equipment items that were generated automatically from purchase order, change order, or release line items, this text box prefills with the text from the Line Item Internal Notes text box for the line item in Purchasing. To access this field on the purchase, change, or release order, click the Line Items tab and select the line item in the grid. Click View Detail on the grid toolbar. On the Purchase Order Line Detail dialog box, click the Notes tab.

If you are manually entering a new asset item or equipment item, enter any internal comments or requests for the item in the text box.

The text in this text box prints on reports, but not on forms.