By Vendor Method

The By Vendor method lets you group and mark up expenses by vendor. This method is typically used when billing consultant expenses.

This method uses multipliers established in an Expenses by Vendor table. If you do not establish expense multipliers by vendor, DPS uses the multipliers specified on the Expenses/Units tab.

All accounts payable expenses are grouped and consolidated by the associated vendor. The vendor name prints on the invoice.

Non-accounts payable expenses, such as expenses coming from a journal entry, like prints and reproductions, are grouped and consolidated under the heading Miscellaneous at the end of the expense section on the invoice.

You can specify this method for consultant and/or non-consultant expenses.

Determining the Multiplier for Accounts Payable Transactions

To determine the expense multiplier for Accounts Payable transactions, DPS follows this hierarchy:

  1. If an Expenses by Vendor table is specified for the project, and the vendor associated with the expense is listed in the table, DPS uses the vendor’s multiplier from the table.
  2. If an Expenses by Vendor table is associated with the project, and the account is not listed in the table, DPS applies the expense amount for the vendor to the multiplier in the Multiplier field on the Expenses/Units of the Billing Terms form to the total expenses.
  3. If no Expenses by Vendor table is specified for the project, DPS applies the multiplier specified in the Multiplier field on the Expenses/Units tab of the Billing Terms form to the total expenses.

Determining the Multiplier for Non Accounts Payable Transactions

To determine the expense multiplier for non Accounts Payable transactions, DPS applies the multiplier specified in the Multiplier field on the Expenses/Units tab of the Billing Terms form to the expense amount(s).