Proposals Tab

Use the Proposals tab to enter a project's background or history information, including project codes, descriptions, awards received, and associated proposals. This tab displays only if you own the CRM Plus module for Professional Services.

Contents of the Proposals Tab

The information on this tab is typically used in proposals. For example, you might have a project sheet that has a description of the project, pictures, and awards that you have won. The Project Codes categorize the project for use in government proposals and are required on proposals using the SF 330 and SF 255 standard forms for creating proposals for government contracts.

The information on lower levels of the project cannot be used in proposals, and the data in the grids can be associated with the project level only. You can view or edit phase and task level information in the grids, but only the project level can be associated with the data in the grids.


Use the Description grid to add or delete descriptions of the work performed for a project. You can later use the descriptions when you create proposals for similar projects. Click to copy or delete a description.

Field Description
Category Category is a required field. When you use the Description Categories lookup to select the description that you want to add to the grid, DPS inserts the category description name in this field. The list of available categories is defined by your Administrator in Settings > General > Labels and Lists. After you add a description to the grid, click to use the DPS Text Editor to modify the description. If a category is already selected in the grid, it is filtered out when you add a new row. You cannot select it twice. When you copy a description, DPS does not copy the category along with the description, because you can only assign a category once to a project.
Description Enter the text that you would like to appear in proposals. Click to use the DPS Text Editor to enter a description. It is important to apply any formatting that is required in proposals.
Default Select this check box to make a description category the default when building custom proposals. Only one description category can be selected as the default for proposals for this project.


Use the Awards grid on the Proposal Notes tab to add or delete award information for a project. You can record any recognition your company receives from industry or other organizations for work performed on a project. You can then use this information when you create proposals for similar projects. Click to copy or delete a description.

Field Description
Description Enter a description of the award.
Institution Enter the name of the institution that granted the award.
Awarded Enter the date on which the award was given to your company.

You can enter a date directly in this field or click Calendar and select a date.

Click this icon to filter the grid contents based on column values. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

Project Codes

Use the Project Codes grid to enter the project codes associated with a project. Project codes allow you to break down the type of work you expect to do and enter estimated fees for the work. You associate a project code with a project when you add the project code to the Project Codes grid on the Proposal Notes tab. Drag and drop to reorder project codes to create a sequence for use in proposals. Click to delete a description.

Field Description
Project Code When you use the Project Codes lookup to select a project code, the code displays in this field. The list of available codes is defined by your Administrator in Settings > General > Labels and Lists
SF330 Code If there is an SF330 code associated with the project code that you select, the SF330 code displays in this field. You associate SF330 codes with project codes using the Project Code List in Settings > General > Labels and Lists.
Description The description for the project code displays in this field. You define project code description options in Settings > General > Labels and Lists.
Fee Enter a monetary amount with no decimals or currency symbols that represents the total fee for the work associated with the selected project code.
Sequence If you set a sequence, DPS sorts the grid by sequence. If not, DPS sorts only by description.


This grid displays the proposals that are associated with the project. To add information about a new proposal, click + Add Proposal below the grid. Click on a proposal row to edit the fields.

Field Description
Proposal Name This field shows the name of the proposal associated with the project. To modify the proposal name, click in the text field and enter the name of the proposal that you want to link to the project record.
Number This field shows the Number associated with the proposal. Enter the number of the proposal that you want to link to the project record.
Type Click to select the proposal type from the drop-down list, such as Letter of Interest or Statement of Qualifications. Your administrator sets up the Proposal types in the Settings > Labels and Lists area.

In this lookup, select the organization that is sending the proposal. You can drill down into a multiple company organization to select a level within it, such as an regional office or business unit.

Person Responsible Use this lookup to select the employee who is coordinating the proposal. The name appears as a link to an info bubble that contains contact and status information for the employee.
Source Use this drop-down to specify the way in which your company heard of the Request for Proposal. This proposal source can differ from the source of the project that is connected to this proposal. On the Navigation pane, click Settings > Labels and Lists to set up proposal source options in the Proposal Source List.
Status Use this drop-down to select the status of the proposal, such as Won or Pending. The proposal status can differ from the status of the project to which the proposal is connected. On the Navigation pane, click Settings > Labels and Lists to set up status options in the Proposal Status List.
Date Advertised Enter a date, or click the Calendar icon to select the date of the notice for the Request for Proposal.
Submittal Date Enter a date, or click the Calendar icon to select the date on which the proposal was sent or the date on which you plan to submit it.
Award Date Enter a date, or click the Calendar icon to select the date on which you expect the project to be awarded by the client.
Fee Enter the fee you will receive if the client accepts your proposal.
Notes Enter notes about the Project's proposal.

Click this icon to filter the grid contents based on column values. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

+ Add Proposal At the bottom of the Proposal Grid, click this link to add a blank proposal row. Complete the empty fields to create a new proposal that is associated with the project.