Update Prior Fee Billings in Billing Terms

You can update prior fee billings manually in a project's billing terms.

To modify the prior fee billing amount in a project's billing terms:

  1. From the Navigation menu, click Settings > Billing > General.
  2. On the Fees tab of the Billing Settings form, select the Enter Prior Fee Billing in Billing Terms option. Now you can manually enter prior fee billings, rather than having DPS calculate them based on actual postings.
  3. Click Billing > Billing Terms and click the Fees tab.
  4. Select the project.
  5. Enter the prior fee billing amount in one of the following ways:
    • If the project does not have billing phases, enter the amount in the Prior Fee Billing field.
    • If the project has billing phases, go to the Billing Phases grid and enter the appropriate amount in the Billed-to-date field for each phase.