Employee Review Tab of Payroll Processing

Use the Employee Review tab to select employees for whom to process payroll. You can also view employee details such as hours worked, pay rate, and withholdings for the processing run period.


Top Section

The top section includes time and pay information about the currently selected employee.

Field Description
Time Hours

These are the posted hours that the employee reported on his/her timesheet since the last regular payroll processing run that included the employee, or within the date range specified, depending on the method that your enterprise uses to select timesheet hours for payroll processing.

You can view the following breakdown for timesheet hours:

  • Regular timesheet hours
  • Overtime timesheet hours
  • Secondary overtime timesheet hours
  • Total timesheet hours
Pay Hours

Pay hours are the hours being recorded as worked for the current payroll processing run. These are the hours for which the employee is being paid.

When you first enter a payroll processing session, an employee's pay hours are equal to the employee's timesheet hours. In some cases, you may need to modify pay hours; for example:

  • When you process payroll to include dates that extend beyond the standard pay period, including timesheets that have not yet been posted.
  • When you run payroll earlier than normal, prior to posting all necessary timesheets, and you must modify hours for the current and subsequent pay periods.

DPS only enables regular and overtime fields if they have non-zero amounts. Whether or not you can modify pay hours depends on the method your enterprise uses to select timesheet hours for payroll processing, and the type of payroll run being processed (regular, bonus, or adjustment).

You can view, and in some cases modify, the following breakdown for pay hours:

  • Regular pay hours
  • Overtime pay hours
  • Secondary overtime pay hours
  • Total pay hours
Gross Pay

Gross pay is the pay amount for the current payroll period prior to subtracting withholdings, such as Federal tax or 401(k) amounts.

You can view the following breakdown for the gross pay amount:

  • Regular gross pay amount
  • Overtime gross pay amount
  • Secondary overtime gross pay amount
  • Total gross pay amount
Other Pay

Enter any additional pay amounts that should be added to the employee’s Net Pay amount for this payroll processing run; for example, a bonus amount.

If your system administrator configured Payroll with additional Other Pay fields on the Other Pay Setup tab in Settings > Payroll > General, the additional fields display here. If your System Administrator has not configured additional fields, only one Other Pay field displays here.

The default for the field, or fields, is established on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub.

When you enter an amount in any Other Pay field, you override, for the current run, the amount entered from the Employees hub.

If you enter an amount in one of these fields and then click any other field on the tab, or click Save, the amount entered is added to the amount in the Net Pay field and the Override option for the field is selected.


This option is selected when you enter or change the amount in any of the Other Pay fields. If you clear this option, DPS returns the amount in the Other Pay field to the original amount, as specified on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub.

If you override an amount on the Employee Review form, DPS displays an asterisk next to the override value on the Payroll Journal and Draft Payroll Journal.

Include in Run If you are running a Manual Select payroll run, select this option for every employee that you want to include in the payroll run.
Bank Code

Select the bank code to use for this employee for this payroll run only.

This field defaults to the code established for the employee's organization in the Payroll Default Bank field on the Units & Payroll tab of Settings > Organization > Individual. If no Payroll Default Bank is entered there, DPS uses the Bank Code from the General tab of Settings > Payroll.

If you select a different Bank Code on the Employee Review tab, you override the organization or enterprise-wide code.

Pay Rate This is the amount to be paid to the current employee for the current pay period. This rate is established on the Employees hub Payroll tab.
Overtime Percent This is the percentage to apply to the employee's payroll rate to calculate standard overtime wages. This percentage is established on the Employees hub Payroll tab.
Overtime-2 Percent This is the percentage to apply to the employee's payroll rate to calculate secondary overtime wages. This percentage is established on the Employees hub Payroll tab. This percentage only applies if secondary overtime is enabled on the General tab of the Settings > Advanced Accounting > System.
Net Pay This is the net pay for the employee for the current pay period (sum of the pay rate and overtime pay minus withholdings).
Net to Gross Select this option to have DPS calculate the gross amount based on the amount entered in the Net Pay field. This option is only editable if the current payroll run is a Bonus run (selected from the Run Type field on the General tab).

When you change the Net Pay amount, DPS automatically calculates taxes. The options available on the Employee Review tab depend on whether or not this option is selected.

Withholdings Grid

In the Withholdings grid, you review details about employee withholdings for the current period, accumulated quarter-to-date, and accumulated year-to-date.

Field Description
Code This field displays the withholding code, as established in Settings > Payroll > Withholding Codes.
Method This field displays the method that DPS uses to calculate the withholding. Options are:
  • Amount: DPS withholds the amount specified in the Amount/Percent field.
  • Percentage: DPS withholds the percentage specified in the Amount/Percent field.
  • System: DPS withholds the amount specified in the tax table.
  • None: DPS does not use an enterprise-wide withholding method of calculation. Calculations are made on an employee-by-employee basis.

If this option is selected, the withholding is suppressed (set to Inactive) for this employee on the Withholdings grid of the Employees hub Payroll tab.

You cannot override a suppressed setting on the Employees hub Withholdings grid. If you want a withholding to be deducted from the employee's pay for this payroll run, you must select Active for this withholding in the Employees hub, and then process the payroll run again.

Amount/Percent This field displays the amount or percentage for calculating the withholding, if Amount or Percentage is set as the withholding method.
Current This field displays the amount set to be withheld for the current run. If you edit this amount, DPS selects the Override option.

To see a quick overview of current, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date withholding amounts, click View > Withholding Summary on the Payroll Processing toolbar.

Override Select this option to set the amount in the Current field to zero, and enter a modified amount for this payroll run. A check mark appears in the Override check box. When you modify the amount in the Current field, DPS selects the Override option automatically.

If an override is specified, it displays on the Payroll Journal with an asterisk (*) next to the override amount.

If you decide later that you do not want to override the withholding with this new amount, clear the Override option. DPS restores the amount in the Current field to the default Employees hub amount.

Total This field displays the sum of all amounts entered in the grid's Current column. This is the total amount of all withholdings for the current run.

Contributions Grid

In the Contributions grid, you review details about employer payroll contributions for the current period, accumulated quarter-to-date, and accumulated year-to-date.

Field Description
Code This field displays the contribution code, as established in Settings > Payroll > Contribution Codes.

This field displays the method that DPS uses to calculate the employer contribution. The method is selected in Payroll Contribution Setup (Settings > Payroll > Contribution Codes). The options are:

  • Percent of employee wages: If this method is selected, DPS calculates the employer contribution as a percentage of an employee’s wages. The wages are calculated as gross wages less:
    • 125 cafeteria amounts, if the Exclude cafeteria plan amounts option is selected in Payroll Contribution Setup
    • 401(k) amounts, if the Exclude 401(k) amounts option is selected in Payroll Contribution Setup
    • Any withholdings entered on the Additional Deductions from Wages grid in Payroll Contribution Setup
    • Any Other Pay amounts if Other Pay is selected in the Deduct before calculating contribution area in Payroll Contribution Setup
    The calculation for this method is not dependent on the amount the employee had withheld.
  • Percent of employee withholding: Select this method to calculate the employer contribution as a percentage of the employee’s withholding. You must select a withholding in the Withholding field to use this method.
  • Fixed amount: Select this method to set the employer contribution as a flat dollar amount.
  • Lesser of employee withholding or wages: If this method is selected, DPS arrives at the employer contribution amount using a formula that takes a given employee withholding, multiplies it by the employer's matching percentage (in the Amount/Percent field) and compares the result to gross wages multiplied by the maximum percentage of total wages allowed by your enterprise. The maximum percentage is determined by the value entered in the Rate Cap field in Payroll Contribution Setup. DPS compares the two amounts and selects the lesser amount to arrive at the employer contribution amount.

    For example, if your gross wages are $1000 and your 401(k) employee contribution is 10% of wages, DPS calculates the withholding amount to be $100. Assume that the employer's percentage rate is set to 50% in the Amount/Percent field and the Rate Cap is set to 6%.

    DPS arrives at the employer contribution amount as follows:
    • Step 1: 50% of $100 = $50
    • Step 2: 6% of $1,000 = $60
    • Step 3: Since $50 is less than $60, we'll use $50.
  • Rate table: DPS withholds the amount specified in the tax table. This method is used for any withholding for which DPS has a corresponding tax table (for example, FICA or State). Deltek sends updates to these tax tables based on tax law changes. Deltek typically sends updates mid-year and at year-end.

If this option is selected, the contribution is suppressed (set to Inactive) for this employee on the Employer Contribution grid on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub form. You cannot override a suppressed setting in the Employer Contribution grid. If you want a contribution to be calculated for this employee for this payroll run, you must select Active for this contribution in the Employees hub and then process the payroll run again.

Amount/Percent This field displays the amount or percentage for calculating the contribution.
Current This field displays the amount set to be contributed for the current run. If you edit this amount, DPS selects the Override option.
Override Select this option to set the amount in the Current field to zero, and enter a modified amount for this payroll run. When you modify the amount in the Current field, DPS selects the Override option automatically.

If an override is specified, it appears on the Payroll Journal with an asterisk (*) next to the override amount.

If you decide later that you do not want to override the contribution with this new amount, clear the Override option. DPS restores the amount in the Current field to the default Employees hub amount.

Total This field displays the sum of all amounts entered in the grid's Current column. This is the total amount of all contributions for the current run.