Contents of the Copy Project Form

Use the fields and options on the form to copy a project.

The Copy Project form is available when you are viewing a project at any level of the work breakdown structure (WBS).


Field Description
Copy Plan Select the checkbox to copy the plan along with the project. If you choose to copy the plan, DPS displays the Plan Start calendar. The Copy Plan field is disabled if you are copying a project that does not have a plan. If your role's security settings do not allow you to add plans, the Copy Plan checkbox and the calendar do not appear.
  • DPS copies all Plan Settings.
  • If the project from which are copying the plan has only one level, DPS copies the entire plan.
  • If the project from which are copying the plan has more than one level, DPS copies only the plan levels for the project levels that are kept and saved in the Edit Project Structure grid.
  • If you change the Plan Start Date in the New Project form, DPS shifts the Plan and all assignments.
Plan Start DPS displays this field only if you select Copy Plan. This field defaults to the plan start date of the plan being copied, but you can specify a new plan start date.
Project Number You must enter a unique project number if auto-numbering is not enabled. If auto-numbering is enabled, DPS displays the message Will be autonumbered in the field; in this case, the field is enabled or disabled depending on the setting for auto-numbering override in Settings > General System:
  • Auto-numbering override is enabled: The field is enabled but is not required.
  • Auto-numbering override is disabled: The field is disabled and is not required.
Name DPS automatically populates this field with the name of the current project, but you can change it.
Long Name Defaults to the entry in Project Name, but you can change it.
Charge Type This field displays only if you have activated the Accounting application or Resource Planning application. Select the charge type for the new project from the drop-down. The charge type you select applies to all WBS levels. If the Available for use in processing check box is not selected, this entry is optional.
Copy Billing Terms

Select this option to copy the billing terms from the existing project. This field is disabled if the project that does not have billing terms.

When you copy billing terms and also remove one or more phases or tasks from the WBS that is copied for the new project, this could result in modification of the billing terms if some of the original billing settings explicitly reference the removed WBS elements. For example, if Consolidate All Posting is selected in the original billing terms and you remove the phase in the Phase to Post field, Consolidate All Posting will no longer be selected in the billing terms for the new project.

Continue Click Continue to create the new project:
  • If the new project has only one level of WBS, DPS displays the newly created project in Add/Edit All Mode.
  • If the new project has multiple levels of WBS, DPS displays the Edit Project Structure grid. There, you can edit fields for multiple WBS levels at the same time, as well as add and remove phases and tasks.

When you create the new project, DPS copies all data from the copied project to the new project, except the following:

  • linked opportunities
  • linked promotional projects
  • linked projects
  • activities
  • project codes
  • descriptions
  • dates and costs
  • location
  • attachments
  • team employees (their status in the new project is proposed)
  • team employees start and end dates
  • team vendors (their status in the new project is proposed)
  • Contract Management tab data
  • contracts
  • contract details
  • notes
  • credit
  • awards grid data
  • links