Create (POST) Contact

Use this API to create a new contact in the Contacts hub.

To create a new contact:

Execute a POST command on the endpoint {{url}}/contact, specifying the data for the new contact in the request body. Check the contact metadata for required fields and default values.

For example, here is a request, using cURL, to create a new contact with ID equal to ADMIN1013718587810.

curl --request POST \
  --url 'https://{{url}}/contact' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {{oauth_token}}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
        "ContactID": "ADMIN1013718587810",
        "Salutation": "Mr.",
        "FirstName": "Test",
        "MiddleName": "M.",
        "LastName": "Testerson",
        "Suffix": "AIA",
        "PreferredName": "Preferred Name",
        "Title": "Director of Marketing",
        "Source": "Newspaper",
        "ClientID": "000VISCONI",
        "ClientName": "Anderson & Associates, LLC",
        "Vendor": "",
        "VName": "",
        "Email": "",
        "ContactStatus": "A",
        "CustomCurrencyCode": "USD",
        "Address1": "111 Main Street",
        "Address2": "Suite 300",
        "Address3": "",
        "Address4": "",
        "City": "Boston",
        "State": "MA",
        "Zip": "12345",
        "Country": "",
        "Phone": "123.456.7890",
        "Fax": "123.4567.890",
        "CellPhone": "123.456.7890",
        "HomePhone": "123.456.7890",
        "Pager": "1234567890",
        "MailingAddress": "N",
        "FirmAddress1": "100 Sterling Heights Avenue",
        "FirmAddress2": "Suite 510",
        "FirmAddress3": "",
        "FirmAddress4": "",
        "FirmCity": "New York",
        "FirmState": "NY",
        "FirmZip": "25410",
        "FirmCountry": "US",
        "FirmBusinessPhone": "123.456.7890",
        "FirmBusinessPhoneFormat": "",
        "FirmBusinessFax": "123.456.7890",
        "FirmBusinessFaxFormat": "",
        "FirmPager": "123.456.7890",
        "FirmDescription": "",
        "Memo": "",
        "Billing": "N",
        "PrimaryInd": "N",
        "Addressee": "",
        "CLAddress": "<Default>",
        "VEAddress": "",
        "CreateUser": "William Apple",
        "CreateDate": "2018-02-14T15:31:04.000",
        "ModUser": "William Apple",
        "ModDate": "2018-06-20T14:56:42.753",
        "CellPhoneFormat": "",
        "HomePhoneFormat": "",
        "PagerFormat": "",
        "Company": "Anderson & Associates, LLC",
        "flName": "Test Testerson, AIA ",
        "ModUserName": "William ",
        "Owner": "",
        "emOwnerfl": "William Apple, Sr.",
        "RecentOpportunityName": "Anderson Clinic Expansion",
        "RecentOpportunityID": "ADMIN1014224377096",
        "RecentOppRole": "sysOwner",
        "TopTPStartDate": "",
        "TopTPSubject": "",
        "TopTPContactID": "",
        "TopTPCreateEmployee": "",
        "TopTPCreateUserName": "",
        "HasPhoto": 0,
        "PhotoModDate": "",
        "TLInternalKey": "",
        "TLSyncModDate": "",
        "ProjectDescription": "",
        "Rating": "",
        "Market": "",
        "Website": "",
        "QualifiedStatus": "sysQual",
        "StatusReason": "",
        "StatusDate": "2017-03-30T17:50:31.520",
        "ProfessionalSuffix": "",
        "SFID": "",
        "AjeraSync": ""

A successful call status of 201 returns the JSON representation for the newly created contact.