Summary Pane of the Projects Form

Use the Summary pane on the Projects form to quickly survey project information that is important to your team.

The information available on the Summary pane is available regardless of which tab in the Projects hub you are currently viewing. The information can be customized by your administrator to suit the needs of your team. Amounts are for WBS1. On refresh, DPS updates plan dates, costs and billing summaries, and labor multipliers.

The WBS level that you are viewing does not affect the layout of fields, but it can change the information displayed in certain fields. For example, on the Summary pane, the project number is the same regardless of the level that you are viewing, but contract start and end dates can be different at the project, phase, and task levels.

If you navigate to a different WBS level using the Project Structure dialog box, the data refreshes to reflect the database values for the selected level. When a field contains the same data at each level, you can edit that field only at the project level. For those fields that contain different data at each level, you can also edit the fields at the phase and task levels, if you have the proper security rights at the project level.

Field Description
Project Number DPS disables this field when you are editing an existing project. To change the number for an existing project, you must use a key convert. DPS can automatically generate a project number for you if you have enabled auto numbering on the Numbering tab of Settings > General System. Your configuration settings determine whether you have the ability to override an auto number.
Status Use this drop-down list to select the project's status. The status determines where you can view or select this project in other parts of the user interface.

The status settings are:

  • Active: You can use the project in any transaction that requires a project number.
  • Inactive: DPS displays a warning if you try to use the project in any transaction that requires a project number. You must decide whether to proceed with the transaction after you receive the warning.
  • Dormant: DPS prevents you from using the project number in any transaction that requires a project number, except for receipt, invoice, and historical data entry, and bill processing. DPS displays a warning when you process receipts, invoices, historical data, and bills, but you can complete the transaction. A dormant project cannot be added to a line on a time sheet or an expense report.
  • Purged
Project Type Use this drop-down list to select the project type. The items in the drop-down list are entered in the Project Type (CFGProjectType) code table in Configuration > General > Code Tables.

The project type is different from the project's charge type (on the Accounting tab), which indicates whether the project is a regular, overhead, or promotional project.

Responsibility Select your firm's responsibility or role for the opportunity (for example, Prime, Subcontractor, Unknown). Type one or more characters to select from a list of responsibilities that contain those characters, or use the drop-down to select from the full list of responsibilities. When you create a project from an Opportunity, DPS populates this field with the value from the Opportunity.
Plan Status This field displays the status of the project's plan:.
  • Published: The plan has been published. No unpublished changes exist for the plan.
  • Not Published: The plan includes unpublished changes.
Start - End This field displays the start and end dates for the project. The dates update as you navigate the WBS. The dates are based on the Contract Start (Initial Dates) and Estimated (Completion Dates) in the Dates and Costs tab. These dates may differ from the dates on the Planning view because planned dates may be outside the contract date range. Only one or no dates display if one or both are not available for the project in the Projects hub.

DPS disables the start and end dates when you are adding or editing a project, since these fields also exist on the Dates & Costs tab.

Project Level Summary
The amounts displayed in the fields under this heading will vary depending on whether you display amounts at billing or at cost. The currency could vary also.
Field Description
Show This field displays Billing or Cost to indicate whether the amounts you are viewing are at billing or at cost.

If you select Cost and Billing in Budget Type in the Plan Settings dialog box, both Billing and Cost are available, and you can switch between them. When you switch, the form's grids and charts update to reflect your selection.

If your enterprise uses multiple currencies, the currency in use is indicated next to the Show option. The project cost currency is always used when viewing projects, plans, and budgets at cost. A configuration setting that your system administrator selects determines whether project cost currency or billing currency is used when you view projects, plans, and budgets at billing.

When you display cost amounts, some information may not display if your security role does not provide access rights to labor cost rates and amounts.

Contract This field displays the total contract amount, at billing or at cost: Labor + Expenses + Consultants.
JTD This field displays the value, at billing or at cost, of the charges to direct, indirect, and reimbursable labor, expense, and consultant accounts for all posted and unposted transactions and committed purchase orders through today.

Calculation: JTD = Posted and unposted labor, expenses, and consultants + committed purchase orders + other posted expense charges.

Your security role's access rights to labor cost rates and amounts determines whether or not you can view JTD labor at cost.

ETC This field displays the total estimate-to-complete (ETC) amount, at billing or at cost, that is required from tomorrow through the end of the plan to complete the project. ETC amounts at the project level are the sum of ETC amounts calculated at the resource level.

ETC amounts for expenses and consultants are calculated as follows:

  • Expenses: If Planned expenses - JTD expenses is greater than 0, then ETC expenses = Planned expenses - JTD expenses. If Planned expenses - JTD expenses is less than or equal to 0, then ETC expenses = 0.
  • Consultants: If Planned consultants - JTD consultants is greater than 0, then ETC consultants = Planned consultants - JTD consultants. If Planned consultantsJTD consultants is less than or equal to 0, then ETC consultants = 0.

Note: Expense ETC does not exist when the Expense planning page is hidden. Consultants ETC does not exist when either the Consultants planning page is hidden or it is enabled but you are viewing a promotional or overhead project.

If a project is mapped on multiple plans that have the Include in Utilization and Project Reports option selected, totals are the combined values.

Your security role's access rights to labor cost rates and amounts determines whether or not you can view labor ETC at cost.


This field displays the total estimate-at-completion (EAC) amount, at billing or at cost, that is required from tomorrow forward through the end of the plan. The total EAC amount is the sum of the labor, expenses, and consultants JTD + ETC amounts from their respective Planning pages.

If a project is mapped on multiple plans that have the Include in Utilization and Project Reports option selected, totals are the combined values.

Your security role's access rights to labor cost rates and amounts determines whether or not you can view labor EAC at cost.

Labor Multipliers: Target

This multiplier is used as the basis for evaluation against the labor EAC multiplier. The multiplier represents how much revenue is anticipated for each labor cost dollar spent on a project. This field displays the multiplier in Target Multiplier in the Plan Settings dialog box. If the project has no plan, no multiplier displays.

If a project is mapped to multiple plans that have the Include in utilization and project reports option selected, DPS shows the target multiplier from the plan with the earliest creation date.

Labor Multipliers: EAC

The estimate-at-completion (EAC) labor cost amount is the cost value of the hours worked through today and the remaining planned hours. To determine the multiplier, this calculation is used: Direct labor from the Budget & Revenue tab in the Projects hub divided by the EAC labor.

Only the EAC cost amounts from plans in utilization are included in the calculation. All plans are marked to Include in utilization and project reports.

Your security role's access rights to labor cost rates and amounts determines whether or not labor EAC multipliers display.