Purchase Requisition Form General Tab

Use the General tab to select report options for the Purchase Requisition Form and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.


Field Description
Requisition Number

Use this field to limit the requisitions included on the report to those that you select. Enter a request number or use the Item lookup to select one or more items.

If you use multiple companies, the list of available requests only includes those for the active company.


Use this field to limit the purchase requisitions to those for specific requesting employees. Enter an employee's name or use the Employee lookup to select one or more employees.

If you use multiple companies, the list of available employees includes only those for the active company.


Use this field to limit the purchase requisitions to those for specific ship-to destinations. Enter a ship-to destination or use the lookup to select one or more ship-to destinations. For example, you might generate Purchase Requisition Forms for items to be shipped to your Boston office.

If you use multiple companies, the list of available ship-to destinations includes only those for the active company.


Use this field to limit the purchase requisitions to those with specific statuses. Enter the status or use the Status lookup to select one or more statuses.

Field Description
Include Closed Purchase Requisitions Select this check box to include purchase requisitions with the Closed status.


Field Description
Order Report By

Select one of the following to indicate the order in which you want the forms sorted:

  • Requisition No.
  • Requisitioner
  • Ship-To
  • Status
Field Description
Show Country in Address Select this check box to include the country in the ship-to address.