EAC and ETC Values

You can enter Estimates at Completion (EAC) and Estimates to Complete (ETC) on the Project Budget Worksheet.

Your ability to work with EAC and ETC values depends on security settings. See your System Administrator if you need assistance.

Value Description
EAC Hours Estimate at Completion Hours

Your estimate of the total number of hours expended at the completion of the task or project.

EAC Amount Estimate at Completion Amount

Your estimate of the total cost at completion of the task or project.

You can enter EAC amounts on the Project Budget Worksheet by:

  • Project, phase, task, and labor code for labor entries.
  • Project, phase, task, and account for expense entries.
ETC Hours Estimate to Complete Hours

Your estimate of the total additional hours required to complete the task or project.

ETC Amount Estimate to Complete Amount

Your estimate of the total additional cost required to complete the task or project.

You can enter ETC amounts on the Project Budget Worksheet by:

  • Project, phase, task, and labor code for labor entries.
  • Project, phase, task, and account for expense entries.