Contents of the Purchase Order Receivings Form

Use the fields and options on the Purchase Order Receivings form to create and modify receiving records.


Field Description
P.O. Number After you select a purchase order, this field displays the purchase order's number.
  • This number is an active hyperlink if your security role has Purchase Orders selected on the General tab of Configuration > Security > Roles.

    Click the link to open a non-editable version of the purchase order record.

  • This link is disabled if your security role has no approval to access Purchasing > Purchase Orders.
Vendor This field displays the purchase order's vendor name.
Buyer This field displays the purchase order's buyer name.
P.O. Status This field displays the purchase order's status. You can receive items only for a purchase order whose status is Printed.
Currency This field displays the purchase order's currency code. The currency code is specified through the Currency Code option on the General tab of the Purchase Orders form.
Order Date This field displays the order date of the purchase order.

Receipts Grid

Use the Receipts grid to record and view data about each receipt of items in an open purchase order. After a purchase order is closed, this grid is non-editable. You cannot delete a receiving record, but you can delete receipts from the Receipts grid.

If you are using this grid to record receipt of an inventory item, and the item quantity is divided among two or more locations, you must use a row for each location.

Receipts Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Print Click this option to print a Purchase Order Receivings report of the data for this receipt.

When the Inventory feature is enabled, the report also displays the inventory fields from the Line Items Grid.

Edit Click this option to display the Receipt dialog box, which you can use to view the item's receiving data.
Insert Click this item to insert a new row at the end of the grid and to open the Receipt dialog box, where you can enter data for the receipt.

If you are recording receipt of an inventory item and you are dividing the item quantity among two or more locations, you must use this option to add a new grid row.

Delete Select the receipt to delete, then click this option to delete the selected receipt. You cannot delete the receiving record.

Receipts Grid Fields

Field Description
Date For new rows, this column displays today's date and the time now.

Click to display the Receipt dialog box, which you can use to change the date or time.

Received By This field displays the name of the login user.
Packing Slip Enter the packing slip number.
Bill Of Lading Enter the bill of lading code.
Notes Enter notes about this receipt.
  • Click to open this column in the Text Editor.
  • Click to open this column in the Text Viewer.

Line Items Grid

Use the Line Items grid to enter or edit individual items that are delivered for a purchase order. You cannot edit a receiving record that you did not create.

Line Items Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Receive Click this option to receive the full shipment of the selected item. This changes the item's receive status to R and the Qty Accepted displays data from the Open Qty.
Receive All Click this option to receive the full shipment of all of the items. This changes each of the items' receive status to R and the Qty Accepted for each item displays the open quantity for the item.
Summary Click this option to open the Receiving Item dialog box.
View P.O. Line Click this option to open the Purchase Order Line Detail dialog box for the selected item.

Line Items Grid Fields

Field Description
C/O # This field displays the purchase order's change order number, if any.
P.O. Seq This field displays the purchase order line item's line number.
Item This field displays the purchase order line item's item number.
Description This field displays the line item's description, from the purchase order.
U/M This field displays the line item's unit of measure from the purchase order.
Ordered Qty This field displays the line item's quantity from the purchase order.

The total of this column displays in the Totals line.

Open Qty This field displays the line item's quantity remaining that is still open, calculated as (Ordered Qty - Other Received Qty - Current Qty Accepted).

The Totals line displays the total of this column.

When the value in this column is zero, the Back Ordered check box is not active.

Qty Accepted Enter the quantity of this item that you are accepting in this receipt. DPS uses this data to re-calculate the Open Qty.

If Qty Accepted is more than the Open Qty, Open Qty is a negative number.

The Totals line displays the total of this column.

Qty Rejected Enter the quantity of this item that you are rejecting, if any.
Rejected Item Quality Required, when Quality Code in Receiving is selected on the General tab of Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings.

Select the quality code for the rejected item's condition at the time of delivery.

Back Ordered Select this option to show that this item is back-ordered.

This check box is disabled if the value in the Open Qty field is zero.

Receive Notes Enter any comments about the receipt of this item.
Inv This check box is selected if this is an inventory item.
Inventory Qty This field displays if the Inventory application is enabled. When it is enabled, you can adjust an inventory item's quantity if the Allow Modify of Inventory Qty In Receiving option is selected on the Inventory tab inConfiguration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings and you have been set up to approve inventory.
Inventory U/M This field displays if the Inventory feature is enabled. It displays the item's Inventory unit of measure.
Location This field displays the item's default location. You can select a different location.

To divide the items in this lot among two or more locations, you must add a new row to the Receipts Grid.


Click the icon in this field to open the Supporting Document dialog box and upload and associate one or more documents, such as a packing slip, with the line item for the purchase order receiving.

To view previously uploaded and associated documents, click the icon in this field:

  • An icon with a green check mark displays in this field if there are documents associated with the line item.
  • An icon with a blue arrow displays in this field if there are no documents associated with the line item.

If you use the DPS on-premises product, this field displays only if Transaction Document Management is configured. For more information about the configuration, see the Configuring Supporting Documents online help topic.