Contents of the Transfer/Split Processing Form

Use the fields and options on this form to create grids for modifying and transferring your assets.


Field Description
Asset Use the Equipment lookup to select the asset item that you are transferring or splitting. You can select an asset item with an active status. The Inactive Assets check box that is located above the buttons at the bottom of the dialog box does not apply. The status of an asset item is entered on the GL Book tab of the Equipment form.
Action Select one of the following actions:
  • Transfer: Select this option to transfer an asset item to a different project than is currently entered for it on the General tab in the Equipment hub. When you select this option, a Transfer To grid displays on the Transfer/Split Processing form.
  • Split: Select this option to split the specified asset item into one or more other existing asset items. This allows you to move the general ledger depreciation and When you select this option, a Split To grid displays on the Transfer/Split Processing form.
Transaction Date Enter the transaction date for the journal entry posting for the transfer or split for your general ledger books.

If the Require Transaction Dates to Be Within the Active Accounting Period check box is selected on the General tab in Settings > Accounting > Company, you must enter a date that is within the active accounting period in which you are processing the transfer or split.

If the Require Transaction Dates to Be Within the Active Fiscal Year check box is selected on the General tab in Settings > Accounting > Company, you must select a date within the active fiscal year in which you are processing the transfer or split.

Diary This field displays only if you have set up a diary for the fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions in the Diary Auto Numbering Options section of the Transaction Settings form in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.

Use this field to select a diary code for the current transaction or the group of transactions if you are processing a group of transactions, such as in a vendor payment run. The diaries are used to generate diary reports that contain a set of sequentially numbered transactions that have been posted to the general ledger during the fiscal year or to specific fiscal periods. You can assign different diaries (that have different diary types) to different types of transactions.

The Diary drop-down list contains three columns. The first column displays the diary code. The second and third columns display the diary type for the diary code and the description of the diary type.

The drop-down list contains all the diaries that you set up on the Diary Auto Numbering Options section in Transactions Settings that have the same fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions or that have no fiscal period or year entered for them.

If you have multiple companies in DPS, the Diary field drop-down list includes only the diary codes that are set up for the current company. The list also includes IC - Intercompany Diary to capture intercompany transactions.

You cannot delete a transaction after it has been saved with a diary number. If a transaction is incorrect, you can enter zero amounts for the transaction or enter a reversing transaction.

Existing Project Section

When you enter an asset in the Asset field on this form, the Project, Phase, and Task fields in this section display the project, phase, and task that are entered on the General tab of the Equipment hub for the asset item.

Transfer To Grid

This grid displays when you select Transfer in the Action field on this form. In a row in the grid, enter the project to transfer the specified asset item to.

Transfer To Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Transfer To Drop-Down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option to insert a blank row in the grid, and enter a new project to transfer the asset item to. You can insert only one row/project to transfer to.
Delete Select the row in the grid to delete, and click this option to remove the row from the grid.

Transfer To Grid Fields

Field Description
New Project Use the Project lookup in this field to select the overhead project that you are transferring the asset item to.
Project Name The name of the project that you selected in the New Project field displays in this field.
Phase This field is enabled if you use phases. Use the Phase lookup to select the phase that you are transferring the asset item to.
Phase Name The name of the phase that you selected in the Phase field displays in this field.
Task This field is enabled if you use tasks. Use the Task lookup to select the task that you are transferring the asset item to.
Task Name The name of the task that you selected in the Task field displays in this field.

Split To Grid

This grid displays when you select Split in the Action field on this form. Enter one or more receiving asset item that you are splitting the specified asset item into. You specify the portion of the asset item's acquisition cost that you are reallocating to each of the receiving asset items.

Split To Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Transfer To Drop-Down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option to insert a blank row in the grid, and enter a receiving asset item that you are splitting the specified asset item into.
Delete Select the row in the grid to delete, and click this option to remove it.

Split To Grid Fields

Field Description
Equipment Use the Equipment lookup in this field to select an existing asset item into which to split the asset item that you specified in the Asset field on this form. This is referred to as a receiving asset item.
Account Use the Account lookup to select the asset account for the acquisition cost from the source asset item you are moving into the receiving asset item. If the source asset item has multiple acquisition costs entered for it in the in the Acquisition Cost grid on the GL Cost tab in the Equipment hub, the account for each acquisition cost displays on the Account lookup. If there are multiple accounts in the lookup, after you select one to add to the Split To grid, it is removed from the Account lookup.
Acquisition Cost Amount Enter the acquisition cost amount to move to the receiving asset item entered in this row from the source asset item that you are splitting. The total amount that you enter for all receiving asset item cannot exceed the total Acquisition cost amount that is entered for the source asset item in the Acquisition Cost grid in the Equipment hub.
New Project This field prefills with the number of the project that is entered for the receiving asset item that you are entering in this row.
Project Name This field prefills with the name of the project that is entered for the receiving asset item that you are entering in this row.
Phase This field prefills with the number of the phase that is entered for the receiving asset item that you are entering in this row.
Phase Name This field prefills with the name of the phase that is entered for the receiving asset item that you are entering in this row.
Task This field prefills with the number of the task that is entered for the receiving asset item that you are entering in this row.
Task Name This field prefills with the name of the task that is entered for the receiving asset item that you are entering in this row.