Scheduled Workflow Examples

Before you set up scheduled workflows, you may find it helpful to review examples.

Workflow Description
Profit percent change Send a notification alert to the project manager at the end of the month if the profit percentage for the current period for any project that the project manager manages is below 10%.
  • On the Conditions dialog box, select PRSummary.ProfitPercent as the column, < as the operator, and 10 as the value.
  • Set up the notification alert as the action.
Start date of a project has passed and the Compensation field = 0 Send an email message to the supervisor of a project when the Start Date passes and the Compensation field equals 0.
  • On the Conditions dialog, select PR.StartDate as the column, Last Days as the operator, 1 as the value, and AND as the condition. Then, add a second row and select PR.Compensation as the column, = as the operator, and 0 as the value.
  • 0Set up the email alert as the action.
  • In this case, if you use the value 1 with the Last Days operator, then you need to schedule this workflow to run daily. Otherwise, the value could be increased to 7 if you were to schedule it to run weekly.
Registration expiration Create an activity when an employee's registration is due to expire in 30 days.
  • In the Workflow Table field, select EMRegistration.
  • On the Conditions dialog box, select EMRegistration.DateExpires as the column, In Days as the operator, and 30 as the value.
  • Schedule this workflow to run daily, since the event is only created if the registration expires exactly 30 days from the day it is run.

JTD Revenue is less than Budgeted Revenue

Send a weekly alert if JTD Revenue is less than Budgeted Revenue, where Budgeted Revenue equals JTD Direct Labor Cost multiplied by a target multiplier of 3.2.

On the Expression Builder dialog box, enter the following expression:

[Labor Direct Cost - JTD] * 3.2 < [Revenue - JTD]