Contacts Activities Tab

Use the Activities tab in the Contacts hub to create and maintain lists of activities and categories.


Much of the information for DPS is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
Date This column displays the activity's date and description. Click the date to open an info bubble that displays additional information about the activity. In the info bubble, click Open to open the activity in the Activities hub to see the activity's complete information.
Attendees This column lists the activity's attendees (employees or contacts). The primary contact and owner employee are bolded in the list.
Associations This column lists all other records that are associated with the activity and can include projects, marketing campaigns, contacts, and user-defined hubs.
Notes This column displays any additional information that has been entered for the activity. To add or change a note for an activity, click (if no notes exist for the element) or (if notes already exist) in the grid row and enter the text in the Notes dialog.

Categories Grid

Use the Categories grid to specify categories that apply to the contact. A contact may have many applied categories. The categories are useful for grouping contacts together based on something that they have in common, which then allows you to search for contacts with specific characteristics.

Click +Add Category to enable the fields on the Categories grid for adding a category description and notes to the activity. You can also edit category information directly in these fields.

To copy or delete a category on the grid, click , and select the desired option.

Field Description
Category Select a Category that describes the activity's grouping.
Additional Information Enter any additional information about the contact's category.