Header Section of the Employee Card Dialog Box

The header area of the Employee Card dialog box (above the tabs) provides basic employee information from the Employees hub.


If you have multiple companies in DPS, the employee information in the header of the dialog box is from the employee's home company.

Field Description
Employee's image The employee's image displays to the left of the employee name if an image was uploaded in the Employees hub.
Employee name and suffix The employee's preferred name, last name, and suffix displays to the right of the image. If the employee has no preferred name, first name, last name, and suffix displays.
Professional suffix If a professional suffix was entered for an employee, it displays under his or her name. This indicates educational degrees or professional licenses or accreditation (PhD, AIA, for example).
Job title The employee's job title displays below the professional suffix.
Organization If you have configured DPS to use organizations, the employee's organization displays below the employee's job title.
Location The employee's work location displays below the organization.
Actions Click , and select Go to Employees Hub. This opens the employee's record in the Employees hub if your security role has access.