General Tab of Purchase Template Editor

Before you make a purchasing template, you must specify settings on the General tab. After you specify settings, you must save the template with a different name.


Field Description
Template Name Enter the name of the purchasing template that you make.

Enterprise Block Section

The enterprise block is located at the top center of a purchase order and request for price quote.

Field Description
Print Firm Name Select this check box to print the Enterprise Name from the Misc tab of the Purchase Template Editor form on the purchase order or request for price quote.
Print Firm ByLine Select this check box to print the Byline from the Misc tab of the Purchase Template Editor form on the purchase order or request for price quote.
Print Firm Address Select this check box to print the Address Lines 1-4 from the Misc tab of the Purchase Template Editor form on the purchase order or request for price quote.
Left Margin

Enter the distance from the left margin at which the enterprise name must start to print on the purchasing form.

Enter either inches or millimeters based on which one you selected in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab of the Purchase Template Editor form.

Top Margin

Enter the distance from the top margin at which the enterprise name must start to print on the purchasing form.

Enter either inches or millimeters based on which one you selected in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab of the Purchase Template Editor form.

Alignment Select a setting to align the name on the purchasing form.

Options are:

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right

Clause Options Section

Field Description
Print Top Clause Select this option to print the top clause on the purchasing form, if a clause is specified on the Clauses tab of the purchase order or request for price quote.
Print Select the location, relative to the purchasing form's header, for the top clause to print.

Options are:

  • Before Header
  • After Header
Print Bottom Clause Select this check box to print the bottom clause on the purchasing form, if a clause is specified on the Clauses tab of the purchase order or request for price quote.
Page Break between Top Clause and Header Select this check box to put a page break between the top clause and the header.
Page Break before Bottom Clause Select this check box to put a page break between the bottom edge of the purchasing form and the bottom clause.

Date Format Section

Field Description
Short Date Select the short date format to use on purchasing forms that are generated from this template.
Medium Date Select the medium date format to use on purchasing forms that are generated from this template.
Long Date Select the long date format to use on purchasing forms that are generated from this template.

Footer Options

Field Description
Print Footer Line (RFQ only) Select this option to print the Footer Label on requests for price quote that are generated from this template.
Print Page Numbers Select this option to print page numbers on purchasing forms that are generated from this template. This could be necessary if a purchasing form has lengthy clauses or agreement terms.
Footer Label Enter the text to print in the footer of requests for price quote that are generated from this template, when the Print Footer Line (RFQ Only) option is selected.


Field Description
Print Agreement Terms From the drop-down list, select whether you want the print agreement terms to print before or after the detail section. You enter the agreement terms on the Agreement tab in Purchasing > Purchase Orders.

Options in the drop-down list are:

  • Before detail section
  • After detail section
Print Firm Name From Configuration Select this check box if you want your enterprise's name (entered on the General tab in Configuration > General > Company Settings) to print in the upper left of a purchase order or request for price quote. This check box is selected by default.