Employee Labor Detail General Tab

Use the General tab to select report options for the Employee Labor Detail report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.

Time Frame

Field Description

Select a setting:

  • Current: The report shows data for the accounting period that is currently open.
  • Year-to-Date: The report shows data for the current fiscal year through the current accounting period.
  • Job-to-Date: The report shows data from the beginning of the project through the current accounting period.
Period Range Specify a range of accounting periods.
Date Range Specify the start and end dates of the range.


Field Description
Print Comments Select this check box to include timesheet comments. (This option is only available if you also select Full Detail in Transaction.)

The expanded text content will display when this option is selected.

Consolidate Phases Select this check box to summarize phase information into a single report row for each project.
Select intercompany transactions only If you have multiple companies, select this option if you want the report to include only the transactions in which the company at the chargeable level of the work breakdown structure is not the employee's home company.
Suppress Detail Select this check box if you want only the following information to display on the report:
  • Employee number
  • Employee name
  • Total hours
  • Total billing
  • Total Realization
Print Final Totals Select this check box to include a line at the end of the report that displays report totals for all amount columns.
Print Labor Amounts Select this check box to include labor hours or billing hours. (The report does not show cost amounts or billing amounts.)
Consolidate Tasks Select this check box to summarize task information into a single report row for each phase.
Transaction This setting applies only when you do not select the Suppress Detail check box. Your selection for this option determines which columns are included on the report:

Full Detail

  • Regular Hours
  • Overtime Hours
  • Total Hours
  • Regular Amount
  • Overtime Amount
  • Total Amount
  • Period
  • Labor Code
  • Transaction Date

Project and Period

  • Regular Hours
  • Overtime Hours
  • Total Hours
  • Project (WBS1)
  • Project Name
  • Regular Amount
  • Overtime Amount
  • Total Amount
  • Period


  • Regular Hours
  • Overtime Hours
  • Total Hours
  • Project (WBS1)
  • Project Name
  • Regular Amount
  • Overtime Amount
  • Total Amount

You can add other columns using the Columns tab.

Project Lookup To filter the report's contents, select projects on the Project lookup.
Report At

Select one of the following rate options:

  • Billing: Select this option to display monetary amounts at billing rates. This option is only available if the Enable Reporting at Billing Rates option is selected in Labor Options Settings.
  • Cost: Select this option to display monetary amounts at cost rates. This option is only available if the Enable Reporting at Burdened Rates option is not selected in Labor Options Settings.
  • Burden: Select this option to include overhead amounts in labor cost amounts. This option is only available if the Enable Reporting at Burdened Rates option is selected in Labor Options Settings.
Report Cost in

If you use multiple currencies and you select Cost in theReport at field, select the currency in which you want the report to display amounts:

  • Employee's Functional Currency
  • Project's Functional Currency
  • Project Currency
  • Billing Currency

If you set the Report at option to Billing, this option is disabled and the Use billing currency not Project currency in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options determines the currency:

  • When this option is selected, the report uses the project's billing currency.
  • When this option is not selected, the report uses the project currency.