Setting Up DPS for You and Your Enterprise

Much of DPS's power comes from its flexibility. You can customize DPS in many ways and at many levels: for your whole enterprise, for individual employees, and at several levels in-between.

This tailoring process begins when you first implement DPS and continues as your business evolves and your needs change.

Activation and Setup

The Activation and Setup process is the first step in implementing DPS. Your administrator launches a series of pages that walk the administrator through fundamental setup decisions and data collection. By following the pages in sequence, the administrator performs steps in the correct order, without missing any stages of the process.

Activation and Setup is a one-time process that sets up the framework for using DPS. For some enterprises, this process will be all that they need to get started.
  • Activation: Use these pages to make broad decisions about how your database will be configured, including which DPS modules you will use, whether you will track multiple currencies, and whether you will track multiple companies or other profit centers.
  • Setup: Use these pages to make more specific decisions about individual DPS applications and enter or import data about your projects, employees, contacts, and other entities.


When the Activation and Setup process is complete, your administrator can make additional decisions in the Settings area. After you are up and running with DPS, the Settings area is where you will go on an on-going basis to implement new features and change how things work.

Many of the decisions that you made in Activation and Setup are reflected in the Settings area and can be changed there.

The Settings area includes several "designer" tools that you can use to customize the user interface:

  • Screen Designer: An administrator uses this powerful tool to modify screens so that the user interface better suits your business. Use it to add new hubs to collect and track data; add new tabs, fields, and grids; and rearrange screen elements.
  • Dashboard Designer: The dashboard is a user's portal into DPS, bringing together the data, reports, and links that an individual relies on most. Each user can select the elements that display on the dashboard and how they are arranged.
  • Navigation Menu Designer: The navigation menu is the main menu, which lists all of the DPS applications that your enterprise uses. An administrator can add new menu items, rearrange existing menu items, or delete menu items.

My Preferences

Individuals can use the My Preferences options to personalize their user experience. Use these options to change your password, set data and decimal formats, enable and disable reminders, select the application that opens when you first log in, and more.