Vouchered Purchase Order Items Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to add or remove columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats for the Vouchered Purchase Order Items report.


Field Description
PO Number This column displays the purchase order number, which is generated automatically when you create a new purchase order.
Vendor Name This column displays the name of the vendor for the item or service.
Item This column displays the item number for the item or service.
Description This column displays the description of the item or service.
Invoice This column displays the billed invoice number of the transaction.
Voucher This column displays the voucher number.
Voucher Amount This column displays the total amount of the voucher before payments and discounts are applied.
Total Amount This column displays the total amount for all vouchered items, including tax and shipping amounts. If you use the General tab of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form to add user-defined labels for extra amounts, this total includes those amounts.
Posting Sequence

This column displays the posting sequence number of the transaction. DPS assigns sequence number 1 to the first group of transactions posted during an accounting period, sequence number 2 to the second group, and so on.

To generate a numbered list of all of the postings for the current accounting period, click Transaction Center > Posting Review Report.

Posting Period This column displays the accounting period for which the voucher was posted.
Vendor This column displays the vendor number.
Invoice Date This column displays the invoice date for the voucher.
Shipping Amount This column displays the amount charged for shipping.
User-defined extra amounts If user-defined labels for extra amounts are specified on the General tab of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Setup form (Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company), columns are available to display each of those amounts. The column name is the label entered for the extra amount in Settings.
Tax Amount This column displays the amount charged for tax that is calculated with the tax code entered in the Tax Code field.
Tax-2 Amount This column applies only if the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box is selected on the Tax Auditing tab of the Accounting Company Settings form (Settings > Accounting > Company).

This column displays the amount that is charged for tax that is calculated with the tax code entered in the Tax-2 Code field.

Creator This column displays the employee number of the employee who created the voucher.
Creator Name This column displays the name of the employee who created the voucher.
Order Date This column displays the date on which the purchase order was created.
Qty Ordered This column displays the quantity ordered.
Qty Accepted This column displays the number of received items that have been accepted.
Open Qty This column displays the number of items that have not yet been received.
Amount Ordered This column displays the cost of the originally ordered quantity of the item or service.
Accepted Amount This column displays the cost of the items accepted to date.
Open Amount This column displays the cost of the ordered items that have not yet been received.
UOM This column displays the unit of measure for the item or service (for example, Each, Box, Case, Dozen, or Hour).
Item Category This column displays the category to which the item is assigned (for example, Furniture, Data, Phone, or Supplies).
Buyer This column displays the employee number of the employee who placed the order.
Buyer Name This column displays the name of the employee who placed the order.
Requestor This column displays the employee number of the employee who requested the item.
Requestor Name This column displays the name of the employee who requested the item.
Notes This column displays the note entered in the Notes field in the Receipts grid of the Purchase Order Receiving form.
Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the currency of the voucher amounts.