Marketing Campaigns Form

Use the Marketing Campaigns form and its tabs to enter, view, and edit information for each marketing campaign in your company or enterprise.


Field Description

Use the search field above the marketing campaign name to search for and select the campaign that you want to review or edit.

To refine the results set, click the search filter drop-down arrow to select a standard or custom search:
  • Active: Display a list of active marketing campaigns.
  • All: Display a list of all marketing campaigns (both active and inactive).
  • Mine: Display a list of marketing campaigns for which you are a member of the team.
  • [saved custom search filter]: Select a previously saved custom filter to display the marketing campaigns returned by that search.
  • Custom: Display the Custom Search dialog box. You can then create and apply a new custom search filter, which you can save for future use.
For information about creating and using searches, see the following topics in Basics:
x of x Use these arrow icons to scroll through the records in the search results and display a different record to display on the form. The numbers indicate which record you are viewing out of the total number of records in the search results.
+ New Marketing Campaign Click this option to open the Marketing Campaign form and add a new campaign record.

This option is available if your security role has the access rights required for adding records.


The name of the marketing campaign displays above the tabs.

If the name is too long to display completely, hover over it to see a tooltip containing the full name. To edit the name, hover over it and click .

Last modified These fields, located below the marketing campaign name, display the date the marketing campaign information was last changed and the name of the person who made the changes.
Click the Switch to List View icon to see the list view of the form. In this view, fields are displayed in columns in one grid on the form rather than on separate tabs. Records are displayed in each row in the grid. This makes it easy to compare and update multiple records at one time because you do not have to open individual records. To add, remove, or change the order of the columns in the grid, click to the right of the grid and use the Select Columns dialog box.

For information about selecting columns, see Select Columns for a Grid.

For more information about working in list view, see Use List View.

After you have switched to list view, click the Switch to Detail View icon to see the detailed view of the form. Detail view is the view that displays by default when you open a form for the first time; thereafter, the view that was active when you closed the application will display the next time that you display the form. In detail view, all fields are displayed on tabs on the form. The detail view is the one that is described in help topics in the Help system.