System Variable 863: Job Invoice. Copy Price Quote Introduction to Invoice Introduction, Include Data From Price Quote Fields <PriceDate>, <PriceTitle>, <PriceIntroduction>

Use this System Variable to determine the information that should be copied to Sales Invoices from the Job's Price Quote.

In the field of this System Variable you can identify the Price Quote fields whose information you want to be copied to new Sales Invoices. You can use any or more of the following fields:
  • <PriceDate>
  • <PriceTitle>
  • <PriceIntroduction>
For example:
Price Quote Date: <PriceDate>
See introduction below:

The default value for this System Variable is <PriceIntroduction>.

The information will be copied to the Introductory Notes field, which you can find on the Header tab in Jobs > Invoice.