Company Variable 42: Do Not Allow Job Revenue Recognition Exceeds PQ Total Net Revenue (NR) Amount of Externally Approved Price Quotes

This Company Variable lets you define whether or not to allow the Total Net Revenue P/L amount to exceed the Total Net Revenue Price Quote amount of externally approved Price Quotes.

This setting works in conjunction with System Variable 971, which determines the job adjustment method. Company Variable 42 will be activated if System Variable 971 is set to either 2 - P/L method or 3 - P/L method including PQ line level.

You can select one of the following options for this setting:
  • 0 - No limitation
  • 1 - Do not exceed PQ NR amount on non-T&M jobs regardless of PQ date (Allows revenue recognition against future-dated PQs)
  • 2 - Do not exceed PQ NR amount on all jobs regardless of PQ date (Allows revenue recognition against future dated PQs)
  • 3 - Do not exceed PQ NR amount on non-T&M jobs for PQs dated after the WIP adjustment date
  • 4 - Do not exceed PQ NR amount on all jobs for PQs dated after the WIP adjustment date

The default value for this setting is 0 - No limitation.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying Company Variable values.

For more information about System Variable 971, see KB Article # 106088.

For more information related to External/Internal approvals, see KB Article # 107053, KB Article # 107054, KB Article # 107055, and KB Article # 107125.