Finance Account Approvers Settings

Use this page of the Sidebar to set or adjust Creditor Invoice approval settings that relate specifically to the General Ledger account. Any creditor voucher that has a line that is to be posted to this account has the approval added to the usual Creditor Invoice approval workflow when the voucher is sent for approval. Approval is only for the entry or entries on this General Ledger account.


Field Description
Employee The name of the employee who is to approve the Creditor Invoice.
Priority The approval priority. You should set this with reference to the Creditor Invoice approval settings that are in place.
Trigger Amount The trigger amount (in the Company Base Currency) above which this approval should be triggered. If this column is blank, all Creditor Invoice postings to this line trigger the approval.
Allow Move of Approver Select this check box to indicate that a user can move the invoice to another account.
Active Select this check box to indicate that the approval is active.