Company Variable 41: Automatically Generate a Comment when Task is Mentioned Elsewhere

Use Company Variable 41: Automatically Generate a Comment when Task is Mentioned Elsewhere to have WorkBook generate a comment when a task is mentioned.

When this Company Variable is enabled, when a user mentions a job task somewhere else, WorkBook creates a comment and adds it to the conversation that is related to that job task. For example, if a user mentions task 123 in the conversation for task 678, WorkBook adds a comment to the task 123 conversation that says something like "This task/ticket was mentioned in task 678". To mention a task in a conversation, ensure to first input the letter T, followed by the task number, without spaces in between them (for example, T123).

As with any task mentions, the task number is hyperlinked and opens to the actual task card when clicked.

You enable this Company Variable by selecting its check box. You disable it by clearing its check box.

The default setting is True.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying Company Variable values.