System Variable 778: Ongoing Monthly Job Value Adjustment Notification (WIP). Minimum Trigger Amount in Company Currency.

Use this System Variable to determine if an amount filter should be applied on jobs that will be included in the monthly WIP adjustment follow-up notification and the Monthly WIP Adjustments Follow-up that can be found in Finance & Administration > Month-end.

By default, the notification includes all jobs with activity and no other adjustments in the past month, but an amount limit can be applied using this System Variable to only include jobs where the Total Expenditures exceed the specified value. This amount filter overrides all other filter options within the page. This System Variable is a number field where any number can be entered and the number is checked against the company currency. For example, if this System Variable is set to 1000 and the company currency is USD, the Total Expenditures of the job should exceed 1000 USD to be included.

Note: You cannot change the company currency.

There is no default value for this setting.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.