Company Variable 55: In What Status(es) Do Price Quotes Count Towards Budget for Purchase Orders on a Job

Use this Company Variable to determine the status at which a Price Quote is considered as part of a job's Purchase Order budget.

You can select any of the following statuses for this setting:

  • 0 – Only internally approved price quotes
  • 1 – Both internally and externally approved price quotes
  • 2 – Only externally approved price quotes

The default value for this Company Variable is 2 – Only externally approved price quotes.

You can change the status of a Price Quote in Jobs > Price Quote.

This setting works closely with System Variable 464. System Variable 464 determines if Purchase Order approval should be blocked if there is not enough budget as compared to the existing Price Quotes. Company Variable 55 determines which Price Quotes should be included in that budget.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying Company Variable values.