Tasks with not Fully Booked Capacity Need

Use the Tasks with not Fully Booked Capacity Need submodule to view the tasks that are assigned to users that do not have sufficient capacity.

To use the Tasks with not Fully Booked Capacity Need submodule, you must have access to Scheduling as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The Tasks with not Fully Booked Capacity Need submodule displays a list of all the tasks that have been assigned to one or more resources that do not have sufficient booking capacity. You can open the task card for each task, which can be displayed in a subgrid or a sidebar, and then make adjustments, as needed. Tasks can be marked as done directly from the grid. You can also filter grid data by period, task date, booked resource, task responsible, skills, task relation, and job dimensions.

As with most WorkBook submodules, you can use the Search field to find specific tasks.