Add a Whereabout Profile

Depending on your role in WorkBook, you can add whereabout profiles in Time & Expense, Resources, or Finance & Administration.

Note: To complete this task, you must have access to Allow time entry as defined in the employee cross-company setup under Settings.

To add a whereabout profile:

  1. Depending on your role in WorkBook, take any of the following actions:
    • If you are an employee and you want to add a whereabout profile to your account, select one of the following options:
      • Go to Time & Expense and click Time & Expense > Whereabout.
      • Go to Time & Expense, click Personal Information > My Settings, and click Whereabout on the side toolbar of the grid.
    • If you are a time sheet approver, manager, company administrator, or traffic manager and you want to add a whereabout profile to your employee's account, select one of the following options:
      • Go to Resources, select an employee in the main grid, click Resource Information /on the grid toolbar, and click Settings > Whereabout on the side toolbar of the employee card.
      • Go to Finance & Administration, click Cost Entry > Whereabout, and select an employee in the right pane.
  2. Click Add .
  3. In the Set Up a Whereabout Profile dialog box, specify the required information and click OK.
    Field Description
    Employee name This field is pre-populated.
    Type Select a whereabout type.
    Note: If Company Variable 74 is enabled, you can only select whereabout types that are enabled for time tracking.
    Date Select a date.
    Note: Company Variable 74 is enabled, you will not be able to create whereabout entries for a range of days.
    Start Date / End Date Select start and end dates.
    Note: These fields are visible only if Company Variable 74 is disabled.

    Start Date and End Date fields allow you to create whereabout entries for a range of days or for full days.

    All day / Part of day Select an option.
    Note: These options are visible only if Company Variable 74 is disabled.
    Start time / End time Select start and end times.
    Comment Enter a comment.