System Variable 634:Password Must Contain Special Characters

Use this System Variable to specify if passwords must include special characters in unicode.

If you enable this System Variable, users' passwords must contain at least one special character in unicode. For example, DeltekWorkBook! is a valid password, but DeltekWorkBook is not. The following table contains the valid special characters and their codes.

This System Variable is disabled by default.

Character Name Code
Space U+0020
! Exclamation U+0021
" Double quotation mark U+0022
# Number sign / hash U+0023
$ Dollar sign U+0024
% Percent U+0025
& Ampersand U+0026
' Apostrophe / single quotation mark U+0027
( Left parenthesis U+0028
) Right parenthesis U+0029
* Asterisk U+002A
+ Plus U+002B
, Comma U+002C
- Minus U+002D
. Period / full stop U+002E
/ Slash U+002F
: Colon U+003A
; Semicolon U+003B
< Less than U+003C
= Equal sign U+003D
> Greater than U+003D
? Question mark U+003F
@ At sign U+0040
[ Left bracket U+005B
\ Back slash U+005C
] Right bracket U+005D
^ Caret U+005E
_ Underscore U+005F
` Grave accent U+0060
{ Left brace U+007B
| Vertical bar U+007C
} Right brace U+007D
~ Tilde U+007E