System Variable 1104: Specifies the Default Type for Sub-invoices for New Consolidated Invoices

Use this System Variable to determine what the default invoice type should be for the jobs that are added to new Consolidated Sales Invoices.

You can select one of the following options to identify the invoice type for the Create Sub-invoice as Invoice Types column:
  • 0 - Disabled
  • 3 - Invoice on account
  • 4 - Partial invoice

The default value for this System Variable is 0 - Disabled. When the 0 - Disabled option is selected, WorkBook uses Final Invoice as the invoice type if the job's status is Ready for Invoicing and leaves the field blank otherwise.

Note: This System Variable is applicable if the invoice type of the Consolidated Invoice is Final Invoice. If the invoice type is Credit Note, WorkBook uses Credit Note as the default type of the sub-invoices.

You can find the Create Sub-invoice as Invoice Types column in the Select Jobs for Consolidated Invoice dialog box on the Consolidated Invoice tab in Jobs > Invoice.