System Variable 1077: Job WIP Adjustments: Only Consider Manually Adjusted Jobs to Be Adjusted

Use this System Variable to determine if jobs that have previously received an automatic adjustment should be included in the Monthly WIP Adjustment Follow-up.

The default filter for the Monthly WIP Adjustment Follow-up is to only show jobs that have not yet had an adjustment made for the previous month. Adjustments can be made manually at any time within the job in Job > Costs > Adjustments. They can also be made in the Monthly WIP Follow-up Notification in the Inbox and the Monthly WIP Adjustments Follow-up in Finance & Administration > Month-end. These will always count as an adjustment for the month.

If Company Variable 25 is enabled, adjustments can be made automatically by certain actions such as invoicing. System Variable 1077 is disabled by default. When it is enabled, the jobs that receive these automatic adjustments are still considered for adjustment in the Monthly WIP Follow-up Notification.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.