System Variable 1121: Only Allow for Approved Price Quotes to Be Shown When Invoicing

Use this System Variable to specify which Price Quotes (PQs) are shown when invoicing. This is useful when you want to hide unapproved PQs so they cannot be copied when creating a new invoice.

Select any of the following options:
  • No Limitation: WorkBook shows all PQs regardless of their approval status.
  • Approved Internally: WorkBook shows only those PQs with a status of 40 when invoicing.
  • Approved Externally: WorkBook shows only those PQs with a status of 50 when invoicing.

The default value for this System Variable is No Limitation.

If you select either Approved Internally or Approved Externally for this System Variable, the Only Show Approved Price Quotes checkbox in the Copy Price Quote to a New Invoice dialog box in Jobs > Invoice is automatically selected and grayed out. This prevents users from copying an unapproved PQ into the new invoice.

Note: V9 refers to the HTML versions of WorkBook, including 13.0 and later versions.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.