Account Settings

Use this page of the Sidebar to set or change account-level settings for an account that you have selected in the Chart of Accounts.


Field Description
Account Number Account numbers must be unique. They can contain numbers, letters, and special characters. They are used as references on financial postings.
Blocked Indicates whether the account has been blocked (check box is selected) or not (check box is not selected). For an account that is blocked, no postings are allowed, neither manual journals nor automatic (system-generated) journals, and the account cannot be used.
Account Name This is a descriptive name for the account. This field must contain a value.
Account Type An account must have one of the following types: Balance Sheet Account, Header, Operating Account, or Sum from. You cannot change the account type after there are postings on the account. When the Account Type is Sum from, the Sum from Account field identifies the account from which accounts are summarized.
Sum from If the account type is Sum from, this field identifies the account from which accounts are summarized. This field must contain a value if the account type is Sum from. If the account type is any type other than Sum from, the Sum from Account field is disabled.
Act. VAT Code The designated Activities VAT code that has been set up for the General Ledger account. This is only populated if an Activities VAT code has been applied to that account; otherwise, it is blank.
Automatic Select this check box to prevent users from posting manually on a finance account. WorkBook requires that certain accounts that are used in the finance setup must be automatic; otherwise, a general system setup error occurs that prevents all posting. You can set other accounts to Automatic to prevent manual posting.
Creditor Invoice / Use this Account for Creditor Invoice Entry Select this check box to enable an account to appear when you are entering vouchers (supplier invoices).
Line Number Enter a number that represents the location in the sequence of accounts where this account should be listed in the Chart of Accounts (COA) when the COA is displayed on-screen and in reports. This number controls the order in which accounts are displayed, even if the line number itself is not displayed. This field must contain a value, and the value must be unique.
Indentation Enter the number of characters (spaces) by which this line should be indented when it is printed in reports that are extracted. The Indentation setting does not affect how a line is displayed on-screen.
Line Feed Enter the number of blank lines that are inserted after a line when it is printed in reports that are extracted, if you want blank lines to follow this line. The Line Feed setting does not affect how a line is displayed on-screen.
Line Style If you want to apply a line style to this line when it is printed in reports that are extracted, select an option from the drop-down list: Line under, Line over, Line under and over, Background color grey, Frame, or No special effects. The Line Style setting does not affect how a line is displayed on-screen.
Force Page Break after this Account Select this check box to force a page break after this account in Statement of Accounts reports.
Reference Codes 1 - 5 Additional text fields that you can use to map accounts for external integrations. If these are populated, they are relevant to any external integrations that are in place on the ledger.
Ext. Number Additional text fields that you can use to map accounts for external integrations. If these are populated, they are relevant to any external integrations that are in place on the ledger.