System Variable 1112: Allow Edit of Price Quote Print Setting in Maximum Status Mode

Use this System Variable to specify the threshold status for the Price Quotes (PQs) whose print settings can be edited. For example, if you select 40 - Approved Internally, users can edit the print settings for PQs with statuses of 10, 20, and 40. They cannot edit the print settings for PQs with statuses of 50 and 90.

Select any of the following options:
  • 10 - Under Preparation
  • 20 - For Approval
  • 40 - Approved Internally
  • 50 - Approved Externally
  • 90 - Cancelled
The default value for this System Variable is 10 - Under Preparation.
Note: V9 refers to the HTML versions of WorkBook, including 13.0 and later versions.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.