Find End Date Where All Resources Have Capacity for Needed Bookings

Use the Tasks submodule to find the end date where all resources have the capacity for required booking.

To use the Tasks submodule, you must have access to Jobs as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To find end date where all resources have capacity for needed bookings:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Jobs .
  2. On the side toolbar of the Jobs screen, click Jobs List and highlight the job where you want to find the end date.
  3. On the side toolbar of the Jobs screen, click Tasks.
  4. On the Tasks screen, click the Tasks tab.
  5. In the grid, highlight the task to which you want to apply the action, and click Find End Date Where All Resources Have Capacity for Needed Bookings on the grid toolbar.
    WorkBook highlights the end date in red.
    Note: WorkBook displays a notification message if the resource assigned to the task does not have sufficient capacity for booking.