Upload a Watermark

Use the Report Layouts and Watermarks submodule to upload watermarks that you can use for reports.

To use the Report Layouts and Watermarks submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

Before you can perform this procedure, ensure you already set up your logo using the templates here.

To upload a watermark:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Settings .
  2. If you have more than one company in your system, use the drop-down list above the left pane of the Settings screen to select the company for which you want to upload a watermark.
  3. In the left navigation pane of the Settings screen, click Folders, Reports & Documents > Report Layouts and Watermarks.
  4. Click the Watermark Setup tab.
  5. On the grid toolbar, click Upload New Watermark to browse for the image file on your machine.
    Important: You must upload only images with these exact dimensions:
    • For A4-sized reports: 2480 x 3508 pixels
    • For Letter-sized reports: 2550 x 3300 pixels
Once uploaded, a watermark can be used on any report in WorkBook. To set an uploaded watermark as the default watermark, see Set a Default Watermark.