Users with No Login Last 30 Days

Use Users with No Login Last 30 Days under Finance & Administration to view a list of users with no login activity for the past 30 days.

To use the Users with No Login Last 30 Days submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

This submodule is a straightforward list of all the users who do not have any recorded login activity for the past 30 days within your WorkBook company.

The Users with No Login Last 30 Days screen has one main grid and a subgrid. The main grid has columns for user information such as resource name, last login date, and offline days. Resource information is provided under columns such as Resource, Last Log-In, Offline Days, Company, and Department, among others.

More detailed information for the resource that you selected in the main grid is displayed in the subgrid. Login details are provided under columns such as Login Date, Login Hours, Build Number, IP Address, and Country, among others. You can use the date filters on the subgrid toolbar to narrow down information.

Both the main and subgrids allow you to perform searches via the Search field.