Dimension Budget Tab

Dimensions are attributes that enable you to categorize and filter data. The Dimension Budget tab displays the dimensions that you added to the budget using the Financial Budget Setup pane on the Budget List tab. On this tab, you can select the dimension for which to enter or display a budget. For example, if your company has an "Employee" dimension and an operating account to contain employee salaries, you can display and modify the salary budget for each employee that was defined for this particular dimension.


If you used a dimension and an account on the Dimension Budget tab to enter your budget, transferring the budget for each dimension adds that budget to the amount that was previously transferred from the Dimension Budget tab to the Account Budget tab.

Once you linked an account to a dimension, you can no longer enter a budget for that account on the Account Budget tab. You must use the Dimension Budget tab to enter a budget for the account.

Field Description
Dimension The name of the dimension as defined in the Financial Budget Setup pane.
Account The name of the account that contains the dimension budget.
Total The total dimension budget amount calculated from the monthly dimension budget.
Month Columns The financial budget for each month.
Responsible The employee who receives the notification, if you use the input workflow.