Financial Budget Setup Pane

Use the Financial Budget Setup pane on the Budget List tab of the Financial Budget submodule to add or delete dimensions and budget accounts, and to change the title and fiscal year for unapproved budgets.


Field Description
Budget no. WorkBook automatically generates a budget number each time you create a budget. You cannot change this number.
Title You can change the title of an unapproved budget in this field.
Fiscal year You can change the fiscal year for an unapproved budget in this field.
Approved by Refers to the person who approved the budget. For unapproved budgets, this field is empty.
Approved date The date when the budget was approved. For unapproved budgets, this field is empty.
Dimensions grid Use this grid to add dimensions to an unapproved budget. To enter budgets on the Dimension Budget tab, you must have a dimension linked to at least one account in the Accounts grid.
Accounts grid Use this grid to add accounts to an unapproved budget. To enter budgets on the Dimension Budget tab, you must have an account linked to at least one dimension in the Dimensions grid.